[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Re: avidyA is adhyasta (superimposed) in AtmA
Sudhanshu Shekhar
sudhanshu.iitk at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 05:08:55 EST 2025
Bhaskar prabhu ji.
Let us set aside everything and enquire.
Let me analyse some simple questions:
1. Is antah-karaNa anAtma?
2. Is anAtmA ajnAna-prasUta?
3. Can anAtmA be ajnAna-Ashraya?
Sudhanshu Shekhar.
On Wed, Jan 8, 2025 at 3:35 PM 'Bhaskar YR' via advaitin <
advaitin at googlegroups.com> wrote:
> praNAms
> Hare Krishna
> It is quite amusing to see you prabhuji-s clapping each others mail as if
> these mails are containing the parama siddhAnta of Advaita vedAnta 😊 It
> seems, logically inclined minds just stop ‘thinking’ or ‘applying mind’
> when some pet theories crop-up from fellow logician’s desk 😊
> Thank you for the detailed reply. Among other things, the viShaya "doSha"
> is similarity, pramANa doSha like defective eyes, and pramAtR doSha like
> fear, attachment etc.
> Ø How can it be pramAtru dOsha when pramAtru cognizing fear,
> attachment etc. as Vishaya!! Can Vishaya-s become dharma of vishayi??
> The experience of avidyA as antaHkaraNa doSha is explained as being
> because of tAdAtmya adhyAsa with AtmA - a secondary development.
> Ø Again merciless torturing of plain explanation of bhAshyakAra…if
> the explanation of antaHkaraNa dOsha is just coz. of tAdAtmya adhyAsa with
> Atma, why on the earth bhAshyakAra emphasizing the point it is NOT
> kshetrajna dOsha but it IS kshetrajna karaNa dOsha!! He would have easily
> pointed out this great discovery of tArkika-s if that is indeed the
> intention of bhAshyakAra. OTOH, he insisted that ‘karaNasyaiva’ instead of
> pointing out his finger at kshetrajna….Logicians simply amazing when
> floating their pet theories 😊
> And you also write that upon analysis, rajju-sarpa illusion too is not
> due to "antaHkaraNa doSha" but due to avidyA which is
> rajju-avachchhina-chaitanya-niShThaa.
> Ø You can give any fanciful names to simple explanation of adhyAsa
> but fact remains that adhyAsa is simply a-tasmin tad buddhiH, a mithyA
> pratyaya rUpa due to jnAna abhAva of what really existing. When we say
> there is pearl, the pearl is just a word what really was/is/will ever be
> existing is nacre only.
> Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
> bhaskar
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