[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Re: avidyA is adhyasta (superimposed) in AtmA
Bhaskar YR
bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Wed Jan 8 05:05:19 EST 2025
Hare Krishna
It is quite amusing to see you prabhuji-s clapping each others mail as if these mails are containing the parama siddhAnta of Advaita vedAnta 😊 It seems, logically inclined minds just stop ‘thinking’ or ‘applying mind’ when some pet theories crop-up from fellow logician’s desk 😊
Thank you for the detailed reply. Among other things, the viShaya "doSha" is similarity, pramANa doSha like defective eyes, and pramAtR doSha like fear, attachment etc.
Ø How can it be pramAtru dOsha when pramAtru cognizing fear, attachment etc. as Vishaya!! Can Vishaya-s become dharma of vishayi??
The experience of avidyA as antaHkaraNa doSha is explained as being because of tAdAtmya adhyAsa with AtmA - a secondary development.
Ø Again merciless torturing of plain explanation of bhAshyakAra…if the explanation of antaHkaraNa dOsha is just coz. of tAdAtmya adhyAsa with Atma, why on the earth bhAshyakAra emphasizing the point it is NOT kshetrajna dOsha but it IS kshetrajna karaNa dOsha!! He would have easily pointed out this great discovery of tArkika-s if that is indeed the intention of bhAshyakAra. OTOH, he insisted that ‘karaNasyaiva’ instead of pointing out his finger at kshetrajna….Logicians simply amazing when floating their pet theories 😊
And you also write that upon analysis, rajju-sarpa illusion too is not due to "antaHkaraNa doSha" but due to avidyA which is rajju-avachchhina-chaitanya-niShThaa.
Ø You can give any fanciful names to simple explanation of adhyAsa but fact remains that adhyAsa is simply a-tasmin tad buddhiH, a mithyA pratyaya rUpa due to jnAna abhAva of what really existing. When we say there is pearl, the pearl is just a word what really was/is/will ever be existing is nacre only.
Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
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