[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Re: avidyA is adhyasta (superimposed) in AtmA

Bhaskar YR bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Wed Jan 8 05:51:59 EST 2025

Hare Krishna

  1.  Is antah-karaNa anAtma?

Ø     Do I have to explain separately to you dear prabhuji the role of antaHkaraNa in brahma jignAsa !!??  You are the master of all granthi-s, do I have to separately educate that antaHkaraNa (the internal instrument) is the means to know / realize the Atman with the aid of shAstrOpadesha??  Do I have to point my finger to shAstra and bhAshyakAra-s clarification that masaivedamAptavyaM neha nAnAsti kiMchana, shamadamAdi saMskrutaM manaH Atmadarshane karaNaM, AchAryAgamasaMskrutena manasaiva…Yes, I know that I have BMI and it is Vishaya for me, but these karaNa-s is NOT avidyA prasUta like sarpa in rajju…Being a jeeva, it is Ishwara who gave me this BMI as per my previous karma.

  1.  Is anAtmA ajnAna-prasUta?

Ø     ajnAna being Kalpita and adhyArOpita cannot on its own gives birth to anAtma….anAtma as antaHkaraNa is aparAprakruti and in the realm of vyavahAra a very potential karaNa (instrument) to know / realize our Atma svarUpa…Advaita jnAnam manOvrutti mAtraM…

  1.  Can anAtmA be ajnAna-Ashraya?

  *   Since there is no business of jnAnAjnAna in nirvishesha brahman and we have no other instrument of knowledge associated with which we can talk of ourselves as ajnAni, jnAni, avidyA, vidyA, buddhi ahamkara, anAtma, Atma etc.  shankara in adhyAsa bhAshya based on workaday experience explained the nature of adhyAsa as atasmin tadbuddhiH, in geeta bhAshya and taittireeya bhAshya explained who this is transactionally mere antaHkaraNa dOsha by giving the anubhava sammata examples like cataract dOsha in eyes and after surgery there is no chance of dviteeya Chandra darshana etc.  If you raise any question with regard to avidyA/adhyAsa we say avidyA pertains to YOU who is asking this question…brahman never asks question whether I have ajnAna / avidyA, and when jeeva too realizes this brahma svarUpa he too realizes that there was / is / never avidyA in HIM.  So there is no room to think that Atman would have a second beside him in the shape of avidyA and avidyA is brahman’s dharma and brahman is giving the shelter to avidyA.

  *   Please apply your mind as to why bhAshyakAra said all this purely based on day to day experience  without taking the recourse in fanciful theories on Kalpita avidyA in vyAkhyAna-s.

Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!

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