A large number of teachers and writers have left their impress upon
the advaita tradition during the 12 centuries after SankarAcArya. This page
mentions only the seminal figures in the history of post-Sankaran advaita.
True to the advaita spirit of not identifying with the body, our writers
rarely give any clues to personal details in their texts. Consequently, all
dates mentioned here rely upon the academic research that has been done
within the last two centuries. Traditional details are mentioned where
necessary, and it is important to remember that some historical details
are still being disputed in the literature.
A list of post-Sankaran authors in advaita will have to include both
sannyAsins and householders. Moreover, some householder authors took the
vows of sannyAsa at a later stage in their lives, which means that some
authors are known by more than one name (e.g. janArdana - Anandagiri).
A general rule of thumb is that an author whose last name is miSra,
or a variant of upAdhyAya, or dIkshita is a householder, while
the names of sannyAsins are indicated by daSanAmI
suffixes. However, there are some early sannyAsin authors whose
daSanAmI suffixes are not known, such as jnAnaghana (grand-disciple
of sureSvara, and author of tattvaSuddhi), his disciple,
jnAnottama (the author of vidyASrI), vimuktAtman, citsukha,
sukhaprakASa, amalAnanda and others. In these cases, that they were sannyAsins
is known by the terms muni, yati, yogi etc. used by later commentators. The
sannyAsin authors were generally associated with the four maThas established by
Sankara and the other maThas established later. Thus, jnAnaghana and jnAnottama
are found on the succession list of the Sringeri maTha, and Anandagiri is found
on the list of the Dvaraka maTha. Meanwhile,the householder scholars formed the
communities in which the sannyAsins were born, and from which the maThAdhipatis
were chosen.
The name of vAcaspati miSra (9th century CE)
stands out among the early post-Sankaran authors in the advaita tradition. His
commentary, named bhAmatI [1], on
SankarAcArya's brahmasUtra bhAshya, is celebrated, and has given birth
to a sub-tradition within advaita, called the bhAmatI school. Many commentaries to bhAmatI have been written in
the course of the centuries. vAcaspati miSra is said to have written a
commentary named tattva samIkshA to maNDana
miSra's brahmasiddhi, which is now unfortunately lost to us. He is
also well-known as a scholar who wrote authoritative treatises in various
Indian philosophical traditions, including nyAya-vaiSeshika
(nyAyasUcInibandha and tAtparyaTIkA), yoga
(tattvavaiSAradI), mImAm.sA (nyAyakaNikA) and sAm.khya
(tattvakaumudI), in addition to advaita vedAnta. His erudition made him
famous as a sarvatantra-svatantra, a title of high respect in India.
The next important author from the 10th century CE is
prakASAtman, who wrote the vivaraNa [2] to padmapAda's pancapAdikA. This work has also
received a long line of commentaries from later authors, and lends its name
to the other important sub-tradition in advaita vedAnta, namely the
vivaraNa school. prakASAtman also wrote
the SabdanirNaya and the nyAyamuktAvalI, a commentary on the
brahmasUtras. sarvajnAtman, the author of
samkshepa-SArIraka, pancaprakriyA and pramANa-lakshaNa
[3] is another notable 10th century author.
sarvajnAtman salutes his guru deveSvara in his works. The name
deveSvara is usually seen as a synonym of sureSvara, Sankara's disciple,
and on this basis, sarvajnAtman is sometimes identified with
nityabodhaghana. However, in the pramANa-lakshaNa,
sarvajnAtman mentions the name of deveSvara's guru as devAnanda, whose guru
was SreshThAnanda. Hence, there is some confusion over whether sarvAjnAtman
was a direct disciple of sureSvara or not.
sarvajnAtman was probably a younger contemporary of vimuktAtman, the
author of ishTasiddhi. [4] One
author named jnAnottama, who lived in the 12th century CE, wrote the
candrikA on sureSvara's naishkarmyasiddhi, and a vivaraNa
to the vimuktAtman's ishTasiddhi. This jnAnottama lived in the region
of Tanjavur in Tamil Nadu. His full name in the manuscripts is jnAnottama
miSra mahopAdhyAya, which indicates that unlike the jnAnottama mentioned
earlier, he was a householder scholar. There is some evidence from the last
verse of the candrikA that this author later became a sannyAsin by
name sarvajnASrama.
Between the 9th and 13th centuries, SankarAcArya's exposition of
advaita came under attack by rival vedAntin teachers, such as bhAskara
(bhedAbheda), rAmAnuja (viSishTAdvaita), nimbArka
(dvaitAdvaita), and AnandatIrtha (dvaita). There was also a
resurgence of nyAya-vaiSeshika philosophy around the same time, culminating
in the fully developed navya-nyAya school of later times. After this period,
all later authors in the advaita tradition concentrate on addressing issues
raised by philosophers from nyAya, and rival schools of vedAnta. This is in
contrast with the early authors whose major concerns were with the tenets of
the sAm.khya, mahAyAna buddhists and the pUrva mImAm.sakas.
SrIharsha, who wrote the
khaNDana-khaNDa-khAdya, [5] is an
important author in the history of advaita vedAnta. He mainly addresses the
nyAya school, and points out fallacies in their definitions of various
concepts. Such criticisms lead to a later reworking of the nyAya system,
which soon lost its earlier naive realism. After SrIharsha's time, logical
formalism took center stage, culminating in the highly formal logical system
of the navya-nyAya (new logic) school. The khaNDana-khaNDa-khAdya
was commented upon both by advaitins and naiyyAyikas. SrIharsha is also
famous as the author of the naishAda-carita, which relates the purAnic
story of nala and damayantI. He is known for using extremely difficult
grammatical constructions in the sam.skRta language, and constructing
sentences using words in such a way as to yield multiple meanings. For
example, the word yAgeSvara can be split as yAgAnAm ISvara:,
the lord of sacrifices, or as yA ageSvara:, the lord of mountains,
and both meanings are significant in the same sentence. SrIharsha's work
has been commented upon by many later advaitins, and also by authors in
the nyAya-vaiSeshika tradition.
citsukha, a disciple of jnAnottama, wrote
a number of works, including commentaries on the khaNDana-khaNDakhAdya,
brahmasiddhi and naishkarmyasiddhi. His tattvapradIpikA is
more famously known as citsukhI. [6]
Like SrIharsha before him, citsukha also makes effective use of the dialectical
method seen in the works of nAgArjuna, the buddhist philosopher. Both
acknowledge this fact, but criticize the madhyamaka school for not affirming
the ultimate reality of brahman. Anandabodha, AnandAnubhava,
akhaNDAnanda and anubhUtisvarUpAcArya are other important
authors in the 13th century. sukhaprakASa, a disciple of citsukha,
wrote commentaries on Anandabodha's and anubhUtisvarUpa's works.
amalAnanda, a disciple of sukhaprakASa, wrote the
vedAntakalpataru on the bhAmatI and also a pancapAdikA-darpaNa,
thus forming an early link between the bhAmatI and vivaraNa schools.
Anandagiri (also known as AnandajnAna),
a disciple of SuddhAnanda, is well-known as the author of a number
of TIkAs and TippaNas on SankarAcArya's upanishad
bhAshyas. [7] anubhUtisvarUpa,
mentioned earlier, was an important figure in the sArasvata
grammatical tradition, and was probably another guru of Anandagiri's. He
wrote the prakaTArtha-vivaraNa on Sankara's brahmasUtrabhAshya
and a mANDUkya-kArikA-bhAshya. Both SuddhAnanda and Anandagiri are
mentioned in the lineage of the Dvaraka maTha. Anandagiri is popularly known
as the TIkAkAra. His tarka sangraha is a refutation of the
vaiSeshika categories, and is a very popular text in the tradition.
Anandagiri is probably identical with janArdana, the author of
vedAntatattvAloka. Anandagiri is often mistakenly identified with
toTakAcArya, an immediate disciple of
SankarAcArya. The Sankara-vijaya
of anantAnandagiri, a much later author, is also mistakenly attributed to
Anandagiri. Needless to say, both identifications are erroneous.
By far the most important authors in the 14th century
are SankarAnanda, bhAratI tIrtha and vidyAraNya.
Together, the latter two wrote a number of definitive works, including the
adhikaraNa ratnamAlA (also called vaiyAsika nyAyamAlA),
pancadaSI, jIvanmuktiviveka, anubhUtiprakASa and
vivaraNaprameyasangraha. [8] Both
authors were from the Sringeri lineage,
and were disciples of vidyAtIrtha (also called vidyAsankara), as
attested by the evidence of the anubhUtiprakASa. vidyAraNya is
traditionally known to be the guiding spirit behind the founders of the
Vijayanagar empire in southern India. That vidyAraNya and bhAratI tIrtha wrote
together is mentioned by their direct disciple, rAmakRshNa bhAratI, who
wrote the pancadaSI-tAtparyabodhinI.
In the pancadaSI, vidyAraNya mentions SankarAnanda as another guru
of his. This SankarAnanda was a disciple of AtmAnanda, and he wrote
many dIpikAs on the upanishads belonging to the atharvaveda. He also
wrote the AtmapurANa and the bhagavad-gItA-tAtparyabodhinI. He
is said to have been a native of Tiruvidaimarudur in Tamil Nadu, and is also
associated with the holy places Srisailam and Ahobilam in Andhra Pradesh. His
name is also found in the lineages of a few branch maThas of the Sringeri and
Puri maThas. [9] vidyAraNya is normally
identified in modern literature with a mAdhava, but the identification remains
controversial. The mAdhavIya
Sankaravijaya is traditionally attributed to vidyAraNya. The
sarvadarSana-sangraha, which is a compendium of Indian philosophical
thought, presents the tenets of the major contemporary schools of thought in a
hierarchical fashion, with advaita vedAnta as the ultimate truth.
There are many authors from the 14th and 15th centuries CE. The growth of
the Vijayanagar empire and its vassal states in southern India was a crucial
factor in the preservation and transmission of all Indian religious and
philosophical traditions. Beginning with the sons of sangama, the founders of
the Vijayanagar empire, the kings of the first dynasty identified closely
with advaita vedAnta and regarded the SankarAcAryas of the Sringeri maTha as their gurus. A
brahmasUtravRtti is even attributed to prauDhadevarAya, one of
the early Vijayanagar kings. The later dynasties which ruled the Vijayanagar
empire were predominantly Vaishnava, but the kings encouraged and patronized
teachers from all sects and faiths, including Muslims. All aspects of
traditional Indian culture found patronage in the empire. Among the texts written in the 15th century, the vedAntasAra of
sadAnanda yogIndra [10] enjoys great
popularity. It is often used as an introductory text in the advaita tradition.
sadAnanda also wrote the vedAntasiddhAnta-sArasangraha,
bhavaprakASa on the gItA and the brahmasUtra-tAtparyaprakASa.
In the 16th century, prakASAnanda sarasvatI's
vedAntasiddhAnta-muktAvalI, [11]
and siddhAntadIpa, a commentary on this work by nAnA dIkshita,
represent a move away from the influential bhAmatI and vivaraNa sub-schools.
These two authors argue for the dRshTi-sRshTi
vAda, but not many other works are found along this line. prakASAnanda
also wrote a few works in the SAkta tradition, such as tArAbhakti
tarangiNI. This work is also not very widely known, although the worship
of saguNa brahman in the form of the Goddess has been intimately connected
with the advaita vedAnta tradition, since ancient times. The SrIvidyA tradition, in particular, has been largely
assimilated into advaita communities, especially in southern India.
In philosophy, the vivaraNa sub-school continued to be very
important, as represented by nRsimhASrama (disciple of
jagannAthASrama), who was an extremely influential teacher in the 16th
century. His bhedadhikkAra [12] is an
early example of the polemical debate between dvaita and advaita philosophers.
He also wrote advaitadIpikA, tattvaviveka,
vedAntaratnakoSa, a commentary on padmapAda's pancapAdikA,
tattvabodhinI on sarvajnAtman's samkshepasArIraka and
bhAvaprakASikA on prakASAtman's vivaraNa. He and his disciples,
nArAyaNASrama, rAmASrama and others flourished in the south and wrote many
texts. One of the most famous disciples of nRsimhASrama was dharmarAja
adhvarIndra, whose vedAnta paribhAshA is immensely popular. [13] All these authors of the vivaraNa school pay
a lot of attention to epistemological issues, and dharmarAja systematizes the
pramANas (source of valid knowledge) in pUrva mImAm.sA and advaita
In the 16th-17th centuries, a number of south Indian
householder scholars, surnamed dIkshita, rose to prominence in the
advaita tradition. The name dIkshita is used only for those who have
performed certain Vedic sacrifices. Chief among them was appayya
dIkshita, whose most famous work was the siddhAntaleSasangraha. [14] He also wrote the parimala on
amalAnanda's kalpataru, thus representing the bhAmatI sub-school.
However, appayya dIkshita points out that the differences between the vivaraNa
and bhAmatI schools are not because of philosophical disagreement on
fundamental principles, but a result of differing technique and the emphasis
on different issues, such as epistemology in one and ontology in the other.
Like vAcaspati miSra, appayya dIkshita has also written many texts on
nyAya-vaiSeshika, pUrva mImAm.sA and other schools. He also wrote the
madhva-tantra-mukha-mardanam, attacking the dvaita school, and an
autocommentary to it, called vidhvamsana. Many descendents of appayya
dIkshita were great scholars and authors in various fields of traditional
learning well into recent times, including tyAgarAja makhin of the
19th century. Popularly known as Raju Sastrigal, this scholar wrote the
sadvidyAvilAsa on the famous uddAlaka-Svetaketu dialogue of the
chAndogya upanishad. swAmI SivAnanda, who founded the Divine Life
Society, was another descendent of appayya dIkshita.
Tradition records that appayya was initially a follower of the
SivAdvaita school of the 13th century teacher, SrIkaNTha.
appayya wrote the SivArkamaNidIpikA on SrIkaNTha's brahmasUtrabhAshya.
In the SivAdvaitanirNaya and the Sivatattvaviveka, appayya
dIkshita tries to accommodate SrIkaNTha's thought within Sankaran advaita
vedAnta. He represents the close connections between Saivas and the followers
of SankarAcArya during this period in southern India. narasimha
bhAratI, who was an AcArya in the Sringeri line, and a contemporary of appayya dIkshita, wrote a commentary
to the SivagItA. An earlier example of this synthesis is mallanArAdhya,
who wrote the advaitaratna, to which nRsimhASrama wrote a commentary
called tattvadIpana. mallanArAdhya's name indicates that he belonged to
the ArAdhya group of brAhmaNas, who greatly respected the vIraSaiva leader
basavaNNa, but unlike the vIraSaivas, did not reject the authority of the
vedas. A great motivating factor for this was surely the fact that south
Indian vaishNava religion had given birth to two schools of vedAnta, namely
the viSishTAdvaita of rAmAnuja and the dvaita of AnandatIrtha. Meanwhile,
advaitins and Saivas found common cause in various social, religious and
political issues, which is reflected in appayya's works. This understanding
must have been helped by the religious customs of most traditional advaitins.
For example, a Sivalinga is consecrated at the site where a sannyAsin of the
advaita order is buried, and advaitins themselves worship Siva and vishNu as
equally valid forms of saguNa brahman. However, appayya dIkshita was no narrow
sectarian. He is known to have composed a commentary on the
yAdavAbhyudaya, a work of vedAnta deSika, a vaishNava leader. The
inclusivistic and non-sectarian nature of the followers of Sankara is also
seen from other customs and texts dating from this period.
bhaTTojI dIkshita, the great grammarian scholar from the north was
a disciple of appayya dIkshita. bhaTTojI's brother, rangojI bhaTTa,
wrote advaita works such as advaitacintAmaNi and attacked the dvaita
school of AnandatIrtha in his madhva-siddhAnta-bhanjanI. bhaTTojI wrote
advaitakaustubha, a dIpana on nRsimhASrama's tattvaviveka,
and the madhvamata-vidhvamsana against dvaita. rangoji's grandson,
lakshmInRsimha, wrote the well-known Abhoga commentary in the
bhAmatI line.
madhusUdana sarasvatI, disciple of
viSveSvara sarasvatI and mAdhava sarasvatI, is the most
celebrated name in the annals of the great dvaita-advaita debate. He also
flourished in the 16th century. His advaitasiddhi
[15] is a classic work, and most advaita
teachers maintain that all the logical issues raised by the dvaita school
of AnandatIrtha have been more than sufficiently answered by madhusUdana.
His gUDhArthadIpikA on the bhagavadgItA is another well-known
treatise. In addition, he wrote the ISvarapratipatti-prakASa,
vedAntakalpalatikA, sArasangraha on sarvajnAtman's
samkshepa-SArIraka, and the justly famous siddhAntabindu on
SankarAcArya's daSaSlokI. madhusUdana sarasvatI was a great devotee
of Lord kRshNa. Just like appayya dIkshita, who integrated SivAdvaita into
advaita vedAnta, madhusUdana bridged the sAtvata school of pAncarAtra
vaishNavism and advaita vedAnta philosophy. It is also interesting to note
that madhusUdana boldly differs from Sankara in some of his interpretations
of the brahmasUtras and the gItA, although he salutes Sankara and sureSvara
in the most reverential terms.
madhusUdana sarasvatI is popularly reported to have been a contemporary
of the Mughal emperor Akbar. It is said that on Akbar's suggestion,
madhusUdana initiated large numbers of sannyAsins from kshatriya and vaiSya
communities to the daSanAmI orders, in order to form a group of martially
trained ascetics to protect the people. This most probably reflects
historical fact. Armed nAga sannyAsin warriors, tracing their origins
to madhusUdana sarasvatI, and affiliated with the daSanAmI akhADas, were a
component of almost every Rajput army in northern India, till fairly recent
times. Tradition also recounts that viTThaleSa, the son of vallabhAcArya of
the SuddhAdvaita pushTimArga school, studied under madhusUdana
sarasvatI, who thus forms a crucial link between advaita vedAnta and many
vaishNava sects in the north.
In the 18th century, sadASiva brahmendra
and upanishad brahmendra were very important teachers in southern
India. sadASiva brahmendra was a disciple of paramaSivendra sarasvatI
(author of Siva gItA vyAkhyA and dahara vidyA prakASikA) and
grand-disciple of abhinava nArAyaNendra sarasvatI, who wrote many
upanishad dIpikAs. sadASiva wrote AtmavidyAvilAsa,
advaitarasamanjarI and other popular works. [16] Numerous legends are reported about his saintliness, the
miracles he worked and the height of his brahman realization. His simple
kIrtanas are meant to teach advaita values to even the most illiterate
person, and are very popular in Carnatic music today. He passed away in
Nerur in Tamil Nadu, where annual ArAdhanas are held at his
samAdhi-sthala. The sannyAsins in sadASiva brahmendra's lineage lived and
taught in the extreme south of India, and were widely known, but their maTha
affiliations, if any, are not known.
rAmacandrendra sarasvatI, disciple of vAsudevendra
sarasvatI, was popularly called upanishad brahmendra. He was the
first author in the advaita tradition to write commentaries on all the
108 upanishads listed in the
muktikopanishad. His commentaries are considered to be authoritative, and
are quite popular among sannyAsin communities in the south. In the tradition
of samanvaya used in the brahmasUtras, he harmonizes the various
doctrines found in these texts, and weaves their extensive religious lore
into the consistent philosophical framework of Sankaran advaita. upanishad
brahmendra lived and taught in Kancipuram in the south. He established hiw
own maTha at Kanci, which continues to this day, under the leadership of
illustrious sannyAsins. Tyagaraja, the great composer in Carnatic music,
was a disciple of upanishad brahmendra.
The 20th century: In the 20th century, there
has been an enormous amount of activity in terms of publishing
manuscripts, translating works of the advaita masters, and writing
commentaries in English and in Indian languages such as Hindi, Marathi,
Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Bengali. The "neo-Vedantin" groups
have contributed immensely towards bringing a greater awareness of advaita
philosophy to the West and the common man in India. The list of people
is too large to mention, so here I only mention those who have composed
philosophical texts in sam.skRta in the traditional style. I also exclude
Indian and Western academic scholars and philosophers, who were non-dualists,
whether due to an interest in traditional advaita vedAnta or otherwise. This
is because I believe that while these other authors are contributing a lot
to the interest in advaita philosophy, those who carry on the work of
writing sam.skRta commentaries and teaching their disciples in the
traditional way represent the core of the living
advaita tradition.
A few authors stand out among the 20th century savants in the advaita
daSanAmI tradition. One is SrI candrasekhara bhAratI of
Sringeri, the world renowned
jIvanmukta, who wrote the vivekacUDAmaNi bhAshya. [17] This commentary was reportedly begun by his guru,
Sri saccidAnanda SivAbhinava nRsimha bhAratI. It is incomplete,
with no commentary to the last few verses of the work. Another important
author is SrI saccidAnandendra sarasvatI of the Adhyatma Prakasa Karyalaya,
Holenarsipur, who brought the critical thinking of modern academic scholarship
to the advaita tradition. He wrote the brahmavidyA-rahasya-vivRti on
the chAndogya upanishad, gItASAstrArtha-viveka,
vedAntaprakriyA-pratyabhijnA and kleSApahAriNI on sureSvara's
naishkarmyasiddhi, in addition to many other texts in English and
Kannada on the advaita tradition. [18] A
third author is SrI vidyAnanda giri, who wrote a TIkA to toTaka's SrutisArasamuddhAraNa. [19]
Among the householder scholars of recent times, particular mention may be
made of Vasudev Sastri Abhyankar, author of advaitAmoda, N.
S. Anantakrishna Sastri, who wrote advaitatattvasudhA and other
works, Kadalangudi Natesa Sastri (1878-1961), whose periodical,
Aryamata samvardhinI published many upanishads and bhAshyas, with Tamil
translations and Tetiyur Subrahmanya Sastri, whose Sankara
Gurukulam school has produced many scholars.
Last updated May 5, 1999.
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