In his works, SankarAcArya takes a direct approach to the problem of
human liberation, and declares that moksha consists in realizing
the identity of Atman with the One brahman. This brahman is in fact, all
that really IS, and there is no change or multiplicity in It. As for the
question, how does the perception of multiplicity arise in the first place,
Sankara points to avidyA and mAyA. He does not attempt to
explicate avidyA too much, and tells the student not to worry about
the logical status of this avidyA, except to recognize that it is
responsible for desires (kAma) and action (karma) which lead
to bondage (bandha). Therefore, getting rid of the avidyA
leads to moksha, which is really not different from the brahman
After his time, avidyA and mAyA became a tough problem
for his followers. Sankara described avidyA as anAdi -
beginningless. His approach was informed by the well considered notion
that searching for the roots of avidyA was itself a manifestation
of the very avidyA one was seeking to remove. However, in order to
work out the logical implications of various advaitic doctrines, his
followers had to pay greater attention to this issue. In course of time,
two sub-schools, known as the bhAmatI and the vivaraNa schools emerged
within advaita vedAnta. The bhAmatI school takes its name after
vAcaspati miSra's commentary on Sankara's
brahmasUtra-bhAshya, while the vivaraNa school takes its name after
prakASAtman's commentary on padmapAda's
pancapAdikA, which is itself a commentary on Sankara's
The most important commentaries and sub-commentaries
that define the bhAmatI school are the following.
There are a large number of texts in the
vivaraNa school. The important commentaries are:
The vivaraNaprameya sangraha of bhAratI tIrtha and vidyAraNya,
the vedAnta paribhAshA of dharmarAja adhvarIndra and the
vivaraNopanyAsa of rAmAnanda sarasvatI are independent works that
are philosophically allied to the vivaraNa school of thought.
The major features which differentiate these two sub-schools are two.
vAcaspati miSra's bhAmatI attempts to harmonize Sankara's thought
with that of maNDana miSra. Following this
line of reasoning, later authors in the bhAmatI school describe the
individual jIva as the locus of avidyA, i.e. avidyA is
ignorance or false knowledge, but it pertains to the individual, who is
subject to it. brahman is never subject to avidyA, but controls it
in Its capacity as ISvara. This school describes two functions of
avidyA - one is its capacity to veil the Truth, and the second is
its capacity to project an illusion. This school also describes avidyA
in terms of a root avidyA (mUlAvidyA), which is universal,
and is equivalent to mAyA, and an individual avidyA
(tulAvidyA), which vanishes when brahmajnAna arises. Thus,
this school develops its theses primarily along ontological lines. However,
if the individual jIva is the locus of avidyA, and the individual
jIva is also a product of avidyA, this would lead to an infinite
regress, which the bhAmatI school avoids by positing an infinite
series of beginningless jIvas and avidyA-s.
The vivaraNa school concentrates on epistemological approaches to
establishing advaita. Thus, these authors hold that since there is only the
One brahman, that brahman Itself is both the locus of avidyA and the
object of avidyA. A keen analysis of perception and inference is done,
through which the non-reality of difference is established. In this approach,
the later authors share company with both padmapAda and sureSvara. The
one problem which critics have against this school of thought is that since
brahman is of the nature of pure consciousness, to describe brahman as the
locus of avidyA would go against the omniscience of brahman. It would
also attribute contradictory qualities, namely knowledge and ignorance, to
the same brahman. The vivaraNa authors get around this problem by
distinguishing between pure consciousness and valid knowledge
(pramAjnAna). Pure consciousness is cit, the real essence of
brahman, but valid cognition at the vyAvahArika level presumes an
avidyA. The ultimate substratum of all cognition, and therefore also
of this avidyA, is brahman.
It should be clear that the basic problem is still that of reconciling the
upanishadic dictum of One changeless brahman with the evidence of the senses,
which imply a mani-fold universe full of change. The bhAmatI and the
vivaraNa schools are therefore only varying approaches towards the
same basic problem. There are some other authors who share both lines of
thought. An early example is amalAnanda, and a later example is appayya
dIkshita, whose siddhAntaleSa-sangraha is an encyclopedic compilation
of various views. appayya points out that the differences among the authors
of the bhAmatI school and the vivaraNa school are not fundamental philosophical
ones, but rather a result of differing emphases and style of argumentation.
Taken alone, each school has its own logical problems. However, each is a
way of describing a logical/philosophical approach to the insight of Oneness
that cuts through all language and logic.
Finally, there are authors who cannot be classified under either school.
These typically tend to be the earlier authors in the post-Sankaran advaita
tradition. Thus, we have early teachers like jnAnaghana, jnAnottama, vimuktAtman and slightly later ones like
sarvajnAtman, SrIharsha and citsukha. The last two
named authors strike an independent route, and demolish all non-duality
through examining the premises of the nyAya logical system, while most of
the others develop on the arguments first seen in sureSvara's works.
SankarAcArya - brahmasUtra bhAshya
vAcaspati miSra - bhAmatI
amalAnanda - kalpataru
appayya dIkshita - parimala
allAla sUrI - bhAmatI tilaka
lakshmInRsimha - Abhoga
SrIranganAtha - bhAmatI vyAkhyASankarAcArya - brahmasUtra bhAshya
padmapAda - pancapAdikA
prakASAtman - vivaraNa
akhaNDAnanda - tattvadIpana
amalAnanda - darpaNa
citsukha - tAtparyadIpikA
AnandapUrNa vidyAsAgara - vivaraNa TIkA
sarvajnavishNu - RjuvivaraNa
rangarAja dIkshita - darpaNa
nRsimhASrama - bhAvaprakASikA
yajnanArAyaNa dIkshita - ujjIvinI
nRsimhASrama - vedAntaratnakoSa
dharmarAja adhvarIndra - padayojana
Last updated on May 5, 1999.
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