A number of works titled Sankaravijaya, or Sankara
digvijaya, are extant in India. These are typically known after the
names of their authors, but are mostly hagiographic accounts of Sankara's
life, with myth and legend interspersed with historical fact. The primary
reason for this situation is that most of these texts were written many
centuries after Sankara lived, so that these authors already regarded
Sankara as a legendary figure. The following is a brief survey of these
mAdhavIya Sankaravijaya - The mAdhavIya is
probably the oldest available, and also the most authentic and widely known
among the different Sankaravijayas today. It is certainly the most
popular such text in the advaita tradition, and is also known as the
sam.kshepa Sankarajaya. The popularity of this work derives
from the fame of its author, mAdhava, who is usually identified with
vidyAraNya, the 14th century maThAdhipati at Sringeri. Old manuscripts
of this work are available from diverse places in India, and printed
editions based on a comparison of various manuscripts are available from
as early as 1863 CE. [1] Two commentaries have been
written to the mAdhavIya, one titled DiNDimA, by dhanapati
sUrI (composed in 1798 CE), and another titled advaitarAjyalakshmI
by acyutarAya (composed in 1824 CE). There are a couple of good English
translations of the mAdhavIya, one by swAmI tapasyAnanda of the
Ramakrishna Math, [2] and another by K. Padmanabhan.
[3] Contemporary accounts of Sankara's life follow this text in most details, e.g. birth in
Kaladi, meeting with his guru on the banks of the river Narmada, writing
of commentaries, debate with maNDana miSra,
establishment of the SAradA temple at Sringeri, ascension of the
sarvajnapITha in Kashmir and his last days in the Himalayas.
There has been some doubt in recent times about the date and authorship
of the mAdhavIya Sankaravijaya, [4]
including charges that it was reworked extensively in the 19th century CE.
Almost all of this criticism is baseless. If the author of this work is not
identical with vidyAraNya, the latest date that can be put to it is 1798 CE,
the year in which the DiNDimA commentary was completed. Moreover,
another author, sadAnanda, who wrote a Sankaravijaya sAra in
1783, informs us that his source is mAdhava's work. As such, the criticism
that the mAdhavIya was written as late as the 19th century CE, or
that portions of it were re-written recently, cannot be upheld. swAmI
tapasyAnanda is correct in dismissing such criticism as nothing more
than "bazaar gossip." [5] However, the earliest possible
date of this work (14th century CE) is still several centuries later than
Sankara's own date. Some modern historians who doubt that Sankara established
any maThas at all, attribute the origin of the tradition of four AmnAya
maThas to mAdhava. [6] However, it must be noted that
the mAdhavIya Sankaravijaya gives only a general description of the
establishment of maThas, at Sringeri and other places, but does not
specifically mention the number four.
AnandagirIya Sankaravijaya - This work is not available
today, although according to many secondary sources, it must have existed
at one time. It is attributed to Anandagiri,
the 13th century author of well-known TIkAs to SankarAcArya's
bhAshyas. One 19th century author, who wrote a commentary to the
mAdhavIya refers to Anandagiri's Sankaravijaya as bRhat
Sankaravijaya in one place and as prAcIna Sankaravijaya in another
place. It seems clear that this text was considered to be old (prAcIna)
and huge (bRhat). However, as it is no longer extant, the quotations
attributed to this text are not very trustworthy.
In recent times, there have been various claims about a bRhat
Sankaravijaya of an author named citsukha, although no manuscripts of this
work have ever been available. No secondary sources refer to this text either,
unlike the case with Anandagiri's text. citsukha is claimed to have been a
childhood friend of Sankara's, and his work is therefore claimed to be an
authoritative eye-witness account. However, even the source for this story
about citsukha remains unknown, as none of the other Sankaravijayas
mention such a childhood friend who witnessed all of Sankara's life. All
claims about the bRhat Sankaravijaya of citsukha seem extremely
far-fetched, and within the living advaita
tradition, there is great controversy over the very existence of this text.
There is a more recent text, called bRhat Sankaravijaya, by one
brahmAnanda sarasvatI, which seems to date from the 17th or 18th century.
Another prAcIna Sankaravijaya is also sometimes attributed to
one mUkakavi. As with the bRhat Sankaravijaya of citsukha, nothing
specific is known about this prAcIna Sankaravijaya either, as all
attempts to trace source manuscripts have failed. Some quotations from a
prAcIna Sankaravijaya are found in some very recent works, but the
real source of these quotations remains unknown.
anantAnandagirIya Sankaravijaya - In my opinion, this
work is very unreliable. To begin with, it is a very late text and all
available versions seem extremely corrupt. The author of this text identifies
himself as anantAnandagiri. Many scholars mistakenly identify this text with
that of Anandagiri, the TIkAkAra, probably due to the misleading similarity
of their names. Among these, H. H. Wilson thinks that the author is an
unblusing liar, because he reports miracles and supernatural events
associated with Sankara. However, he seems prepared to accept this text's
description of Hindu religious cults. About forty out of the seventy-odd
chapters in this work describe some 72 different religious cults and sects
prevalent in India, which Wilson uses in his study. A. C. Burnell, however,
thinks that the work is spurious and very modern, [7]
written in the interests of southern maThas which had broken their ties
with the Sringeri maTha. Be that as it may, a casual reading of this
Sankaravijaya text is enough to convince the reader that its author
cannot be identified with Anandagiri at all. anantAnandagiri appears to be
a quite different author altogether. He quotes sections from the
adhikaraNa ratnamAlA, a 14th-century work of vidyAraNya and bhAratI
tIrtha, but attributes these quotations to Sankara. He also makes barely
veiled references to rAmAnuja, the 11th-century teacher of viSishTAdvaita,
and AnandatIrtha, the 13th-century teacher of dvaita. Both of them have
been described as direct disciples of Sankara himself.
Moreover, most of the available manuscripts of this work are incomplete,
and even these seem to have been heavily tampered with. Two separate
accounts of Sankara's life may be found in different editions of this work.
For example, the 19th century editions from Calcutta, [8]
and all their source manuscripts, describe Sankara's birth at Cidambaram in
Tamil Nadu, while the 1971 Madras edition [9] says that
Sankara was born at Kaladi in Kerala. The earlier 19th century editions
mention a maTha at Sringeri, and no maTha at Kancipuram. However, in the
1971 Madras edition, an ASrama has been mentioned near Sringeri, and
a maTha at Kancipuram has been described in great detail. All editions
mention that Sankara stayed at Sringeri for twelve years, and his last days
are placed at Kancipuram, but this text is totally silent about any
sarvajnapITha. It has been pointed out that the 1971 Madras
edition is not true to the manuscripts that it lists as its sources.
[10] T. M. P. Mahadevan's introduction to this edition
also wrongly identifies this work with that of Anandagiri, the TIkAkAra, and
claims that this must be the work that is called both bRhat and
prAcIna. However, Mahadevan is silent about the bRhat text said
to have been written by citsukha and the prAcIna text attributed to
cidvilAsIya Sankaravijaya - This text is also known as the
Sankaravijaya vilAsa, and was probably written between the 15th
and 17th centuries. It is in the form of a dialogue between one cidvilAsa and
his disciple, named vijnAnakanda. [11] This is one of the
few texts that explicitly record the tradition that four maThas were
established by Sankara, at Sringeri, Dvaraka, Puri and Badrinath. cidvilAsa
devotes three entire chapters to the founding of the Sringeri maTha, and one
chapter to a sarvajnapITha at Kancipuram. However, he does not
say anything about the establishment of a fifth maTha at Kancipuram,
[12] and Sankara's last days are placed near Badrinath in
the Himalayas. Except for its variant tradition about the sarvajnapITha,
this text also agrees with the mAdhavIya in most other details.
keralIya Sankaravijaya - This text is also called the
SankarAcAryacarita and is attributed to one govindanAtha in all
manuscripts. [13] This text conflates the variant
traditions about the sarvajnapITha, and mentions both Kashmir and
Kancipuram in the same verse. It is completely silent about the establishment
of any maThas, and describes Sankara's last days at the vRshAcaleSvara
temple in Trichur, Kerala. In this last detail, it differs from all other
available oral traditions and Sankaravijaya texts. It dates from
the 17th century.
Other minor texts - The kUshmANDa Sankaravijaya of
purushottama bhAratI describes the establishment of a SAradA temple at a
place called Pammapura, and is rather unique in describing Sankara and his
four disciples as incarnations of the five Pandavas, who are in turn
described as partial incarnations of Siva! A 17th century author named
rAjacUDAmaNi dIkshita wrote a short hagiographical poem named
SankarAbhyudaya. Among more recent works (late 18th century
and after), sadAnanda's Sankaravijaya sAra and nIlakaNTha's
SankaramandAra saurabha follow the details given in the
mAdhavIya. Both authors explicitly mention their source in their
introductory chapters. nIlakaNTha also wrote another poem named
SankarAbhyudaya, which is one of the few works to give the 788
CE date for Sankara's birth. Another SankarAbhyudaya is
attributed to one tirumala dIkshita. This and a work known as
vyAsAcalIya Sankaravijaya are of extremely doubtful
authenticity, as they reproduce a large number of verses from the
mAdhavIya Sankaravijaya. The bhagavatpAdAbhyudaya of
mahAkavi lakshmaNa sUrin is an early 20th century work, which recounts all
the traditional details of Sankara's life.
LC Call No.: Microfiche 93/61065 (P),
LC Call
No.: PK3798.M168 S2613 1978
LC Call No.:
B133.S5 M32 1985
(b) A. Nataraja Iyer and Lakshminarasimha Sastry,
The Traditional Age of Sri Sankaracharya and the Maths, Madras,
LC Call No.: B133.S5 N324 1962
LC Call
No.: DS436 .K8513 1990
(b) Jibananda Vidyasagara Bhattacharya (ed.), Sankaravijaya,
Sarasudhanidhi Press, Calcutta, 1881. (LC Call No.:
B133.S5A5 1881)
LC Call No.: B133.S5 A65
Last updated on May 5, 1999.
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