[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Nirvikalpa Samadhi
Bhaskar YR
bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Mon Feb 10 04:44:49 EST 2025
Hare Krishna
* You stopped me from reading other backlog mails about brahmAkAra vrutti or akhandAkAra vrutti by sending this monotonous query 😊
Just curious regarding the stand of avidyA being jnAna-abhAva.
* avidyA is not ONLY jnAna abhAva it is also vipareeta grahaNa and saMshaya as well 😊 And I don’t have to show you the reference for this, do I??
How would you explain this Gita reference?
Ø See above, apply mind and let me know if you still have any doubts.
The bhAshya clearly says that avidyA-removal is required and not jnAna-acquisition. This clearly means that AchArya is distinguishing these two.
Now, if avidyA were to be jnAna-abhAva, then avidyA-removal has to be by jnAna-acquisition. Isn't it? Then the bhAshya will not make sense.
Ø I don’t think no vedAnti would pose queries like this and come to the erroneous conclusion as above if he or she really understands the purport of adhyAsa bhAshya. By the way, we are not saying we are seeing only rajju and not sarpa 😊
Ø Anyway, the avidyA that which we want to get rid of definitely NOT the concocted dravya rUpa, brahmAshrita avidyA which is material cause for everything. That much you can always keep in your mind 😊
Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
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