[Advaita-l] Query : who prays to whom for what?

Vasu Raghavan vasuraghavan21 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 28 05:36:28 EDT 2024

Namaste to the one who has mentioned his / her name as "Aham Brahmaasmi"

The act of "Praying" or "Meditating" is a Saadhana that one pursues prior
to achieving the Aatma Gnaanam in the form of "Aham Brahmaasmi"

Once you have acquired the Aatma Gnaanam, which is what you have mentioned
in your email -- [paraphrasing you: I am intellectually convinced that *a*-
I am Brahman, *b*- the world including body-mind-sense complex is only an
appearance that is experienced] -- you need not indulge in prayer and
meditation after this clarity. If you are still doing this, it is probably
due to a force of habit / samskara that you had acquired prior to your
Aatma Gnaanam.

It is a bit like stepping down the ladder on the lower steps AFTER having
ascended the ladder completely and reached the floor that you wished to
reach. Since you say you have attained the clarity on "Aham Brahmasmi",
what you should be doing is more of Nidhidhyaasanam..

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
With warm regards

Vasudevan Raghavan

Schwalbacher Str 100
60326 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Home: +49 69 1752 6817
Mobile: +49 151 140 52262

On Sun, Jul 28, 2024 at 1:19 AM aham brahmaasmi via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> Respected Vidwans and Vidushis,
> Pranaams,
> I will be profoundly grateful for your advise on this:
> I am intellectually convinced that *a*- I am Brahman, *b*- the world
> including body-mind-sense complex is only an appearance that is
> experienced, but has no independent existence of me (atma), and it is all a
> creation of my own Maya.
> Constant remembrance of this has helped modify my response in many
> situations, to a surprising extent.
> But now I am utterly confused during meditation and mangalacharaN. Who is
> praying to whom for what?  Am I  the vyavaharik sadhaka, praying to Ishvara
> to reach myself (Brahman) ? or something else?  I understand that this is
> probably the Triputi naasha, but my confusion persists ! :-((
> hari: Om !
> sakshi
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