[Advaita-l] 'Ishwaro'ham' and 'IshwarabhAvaH'
V Subrahmanian
v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Sat Aug 31 02:51:38 CDT 2013
On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 11:13 AM, Rajaram Venkataramani <
rajaramvenk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Couple of professors and at least one traditional scholar acknowledge my
> understanding of advaita or more predisely the philosophy of bhakti in
> advaita is correct.
I am sure you are under an illusion. No scholar worth his name will
approve of your understanding of bhakti continuing in a dvaita-like mukti
in advaita. Such a situation is not advaita.
> Even if no one thought I'm right, what is important is
> whether I'm basing my statements on facts. As I said below, no one is
> liberated in eka jiva vada yet.
A vada is only a construct, only to be negated. If a vada does not lead
one to liberation it is not a vada/prakriyA. A scholar asked Ramana: Which
is correct: eka jiva vada or the nAnA-jiva construct? He kept quiet.
When insisted, he replied in Tamil: ellA vAdattaiyum vittAl aduthAn sari
[If one gives up all constructs, that alone is the right thing]
In fact the eka jiva construct is admitted to be the pre-eminent one in
advaita, which goes by the other name dRShT-sRShTi vAda. To say that one is
not liberated is wrong.
A few days ago I had said on the authoritative advaitic eka jiva vada :
//That is the reason Eka jiva prakriyA is admitted as the preeminent one in
Vedanta. The siddhAntaleshasangraha, the vedantasiddhAntamuktavaLi, the
Mandukya kArikA and bhAShya, the kaivalyopanishat and the sUtasamhitA that
comments on it are valuable sources for the study of Ekajiva vAda
prakriyA. A fine account of this prakriyA is given in the English
book: *sridakshinAmurtistotram
Vol.I* in pages 217 to 268 with copious notes/citations from the aforesaid
vedantic works. //
If you have access to this book, pl. read through those pages noted above.
Since the pages are too many I desist from scanning them for upload.
Given below are some references to the shAnkara bhAShyam and mANDUkya
kArikA-s (MK):
- MK 2.12, 16, 17, 19, 18
- On 'only one sajIvajIva' MK 3.10 and bhAShya
- On 'True knowledge from illusory shruti': BGB 18.66
- On dRShTisRShTivAda: MK 4.67 and bhashya and AnandagiriTIkA
- MK 4.64, 66 and bhashyam
- On 'not buddhism in disguise" BSB
- On 'Dream analogy resolves every doubt': MK 4.64,65 and bhashyam
- On 'World is naught': MK 4.47 to 52 , 4.45 with bhashyam
- on 'jIvahood is naught': MK 2.16, 4.68, 69, 70 and bhashya which says:
//jivas such as human beings, etc. seen in the waking state, though really
non-existent, are merely the imagination of the mind - तथा मनुष्यादिलक्षणा
अविद्यमाना एव चित्तव्कल्पनामात्रा इत्यर्थः. In answer to the question
posed by Sri Ramachandra on the number of jivas, Sri VasishTha says ....see
Yo.vA. 3.14. 18 to 20
- 'On Atman alone Is' : BSB
- MK 2.32, 4.71,72
- On 'apavAdadRShTi': MK 1.15, 2.31
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