[Advaita-l] Sringeri AchAryas on the vivaraNa - the cause of adhyAsa (3)
Anand Hudli
anandhudli at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 9 05:25:38 CDT 2007
prem_d_p at yahoo.co.in wrote:
>It seems to me that mere absence of jnana would lead to the negation of
>the Seer. This is >inadmissible as it leads to a pure materialistic
>essence for the Universe. Consciousness being what >it is, a Seer has to
>be and has to see. Hence adhyasa. Jnanam is Truth is Existence.
Ignorance or ajnAna in the sense that Chitsukha describes it is the
ignorance associated with the validity of knowledge. This is a little hard
to understand and so examples will help. Suppose we are told something about
an object but we do not know if what we know about the object is true.
Another example is that we assume the Self is a doer, experiencer, has a
body, etc. but we do not know if what we assume is valid. In these examples,
there is no lack of knowledge (nobody says the Self is not known in any
sense at all) but we are ignorant of the validity (or otherwise) of what we
>I am not clear about the last sentence above. Is it that inference by
>induction is impossible >because this is not observable
It only amounts to a denial of nonsublatability to ajnAna, although it is
>Also it seems to me that the difference from non-existence of bhava-rupa
>is possible only if
>pragabhavam is also realized to be different from kevala abhavam. Am I
>right here?
I do not see the how the difference between pragabhAva and atyanta-abhAva
can be brought up here.
>Also avidya is anAdi but may be ended and hence sublatable (?).
>This Darkness, how does it relate to Avyakta and the Triguna nature of
PrakR^iti and this Darkness are the same. There is no explicit mention of
the three guNas in the nAsadIya sUkta. But since PrakR^iti is said to have
these three guNas, we can infer accordingly.
>Who is the Seer of this Darkness? Is this primordial Darkness realized
>as Mithya by its Seer
>or is it that Darkness is non-different from Mithya?
The Seer is PrajApati ParameShThI, presumably BrahmA himself. If we take the
Creator to be God (Ishvara), He can never be deluded like us humans. As
Creator He knows the creation is only an apparent transformation of Brahman.
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