|| shrI sha.nkarAchArya aShTottara-shata-nAmAvaliH ||

Ravi Mayavaram msr at REDDY20.TAMU.EDU
Thu May 14 09:04:50 CDT 1998

vairAgyaniratasshshAntassaMsArArNavatArakaH |
prasannavadanAmbhojaH  paramArthaprAkAshakaH || 6 ||

AUM vairAgyaniratAya namaH

I bow to shrI shankara who is keen on detachment from sense pleasures.
Verse 21 of vivekachUDamaNI describes what vairagyam. Starting from
this body even upto brahma's body, whatever pleasure arises through
senses lead only to trouble. Knowing this a jnAni detaches himself and
develops dislike for these.

AUM shAntAya namaH

I bow to shrI shankara who is always peaceful. This peacefulness is a
mark of self-realization.

AUM saMsArNavatArakAya namaH

I bow to shrI shankara who helps his disciiples to cross the ocean of

[to be continued]

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