|| shrI sha.nkarAchArya aShTottara-shata-nAmAvaliH ||
Ravi Mayavaram
Wed May 13 22:05:00 CDT 1998
> vedavedAntatattvaj~no durvAdimatakhaNDanaH || 5 ||
AUM vedavedAntatattvaj~nAya namaH
I bow to shrI shankara who knew the intricate and subtle philosophy of
vedas and upaniShads. To Him the ocean of knowledge was a mere drop
of water which He could sip as easily as one sips water from one's
AUM durvAdimatakhaNDanAya namaH
I bow to shrI shankara who cut the arguments of avaidika philosphers
into pieces and eliminated nAstika systems.
bhava shankara deshikame sharaNam
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