Skeptics, fetal nirvana & more...

Ian Goddard igoddard at EROLS.COM
Wed Jul 17 00:07:02 CDT 1996

 At 11:06 AM 7/16/96 -0500, M Suresh wrote:

 > how can we attribute characteristics of  Sat-Chit-Ananda,
 > i.e Being-Consciousness-Bliss to the atrribute-less Nirguna
 > Parabrahman?

IAN: It is my observation that the bliss associated with the samadhi
experience is a phenomena of the mind / no-mind interface,
that subsides to zero as a white light immersion deepens.

The "bliss" of samadhi is the profound mental realization as I love myself,
and as I am all things, ecstatic love is without boundary, all the way to
eternity and back. I embrace all beings and all eternity in myself in
an ocean of ecstatic love.

BUT this is meaningful and experienced only so long as residual impressions
of the contrast between the limited-mind-illusion and the
infinite-being-light exists. Once "one" has lost sight of any measure of
temporal local existence,
engulfed utterly in the light, the blissful ecstasy also dissipates into
a neutral state of just being nonlocal formless white light. Here there
is no ecstasy, no sadness, no body, no space or time, nothing but
" I am " and uniform featureless white light.

The state of 100% neutrality seems to last for eternity and yet dissipates
in reverse order to a "rebirth" into the temporal existence of mental
illusion and identity localization. I believe that the light cannot last
forever; it appears to exist eternally simply due to the fact that removed
from any point of reference or direction in the uniform light, time
technically does not exist as nothing is passing, not even thought.
The mind will always reappear. It did, does and thus it follows
that it always will.

Yet the key realization is that the minds arising is nonarising, since
the appearance of duality confirms nonduality via relational identity.
Thus the mind never arises and the Self is never not, and therefore
is always nonlocal and uniform.

Law of Identity: A is A, relative to not-A. A = (A + ~A)

Law of Nonidentity: If there is 100% A, there is 0% A. A = ~A

absolute reality:

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