[Advaita-l] ***UNCHECKED*** Re: Re: Re: RE: Re: [advaitin] apauruSheyatva of the Veda

H S Chandramouli hschandramouli at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 06:05:09 EST 2024


Those interested may also refer to  the Vartika of Swami Sureswaracharya
also in this connection.



On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 4:32 PM H S Chandramouli <hschandramouli at gmail.com>

> Namaste.
> I have no issues with copying my post to Advaitin list.
> Reg  //   if this nityatva is like brahman / satya / Atman etc. then
> shruti itself would have not been said 'atra veda aveada', that too in
> sushupti (not even in paramArtha jnAna (source vide br.up.) //,
> Is the Bhashya itself being questioned or my understanding of the same.
> Since I have just presented Bhashya as is, it should be possible for
> members to understand what it conveys.
> Reference should be made to Bhashya itself as to what is meant by 'atra
> veda aveada' in BU 4-3-22. It means ,as per Bhashya,  in Sushupti, the jIva
> is dissociated with the results of actions. It has no bearing on nityatva
> of vedAs which is the issue here.
> //  तथा वेदाः — साध्यसाधनसम्बन्धाभिधायकाः, मन्त्रलक्षणाश्च अभिधायकत्वेन
> कर्माङ्गभूताः, अधीताः अध्येतव्याश्च — कर्मनिमित्तमेव सम्बध्यन्ते पुरुषेण ;
> तत्कर्मातिक्रमणात् एतस्मिन्काले वेदा अपि अवेदाः सम्पद्यन्ते । //
> //  tathA vedAH — sAdhyasAdhanasambandhAbhidhAyakAH, mantralakShaNAshcha
> abhidhAyakatvena karmA~NgabhUtAH, adhItAH adhyetavyAshcha —
> karmanimittameva sambadhyante puruSheNa ; tatkarmAtikramaNAt etasminkAle
> vedA api avedAH sampadyante | //
> Translation by Swami Madhavananda  //  The Vedas also, consisting of the
> BrAhmaNAs, which describe the means, the goal and their relation, as well
> as the Mantras, and forming part of the rites, since they deal with them,
>  whether already read or yet to be read, are connected with a man through
> those rites. Since he transcends those rites, the Vedas too then are no
> Vedas //.
> Regards
> On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 3:43 PM Bhaskar YR <bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com>
> wrote:
>> with the eternal Self, can be reconciled only if the mantras are eternal
>> praNAms
>> Hare Krishna
>> One would always think what is meant by eternal here !!  if this nityatva
>> is like brahman / satya / Atman etc. then shruti itself would have not been
>> said 'atra veda aveada', that too in sushupti (not even in paramArtha jnAna
>> (source vide br.up.) so is it better to think maNtrOkta jnana is eternal
>> like brahma tattva instead of mantra Shabda in itself!!??  Anyway,  atra
>> veda aveda shruti declaration  definitely ring a bell that veda-s are not
>> eternal in literal sense unlike brahma / tattva / satya.   If I remember
>> right this topic of cessation of shruti (veda) comes for discussion in
>> sUtra bhAshya (4th chapter??  Geeta bhAshya ?? Not sure) Here bhAshyakAra
>> is comfortable and OK with the cessation of shruti after the dawn of jnana,
>> bhAshyakAra quotes here atra veda aveda and clarifies shruti itself
>> endorses this termination of the validity of the shruti.   Just thinking
>> aloud.
>> Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
>> bhaskar
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