gauDapAda is the first historically known author in the advaita vedAnta
tradition, whose work is still available to us. He may be said to be the
pioneer of the ajAti vAda school
in advaita vedAnta. gauDapAda is traditionally said to have been the guru of
govinda bhagavatpAda, who was the guru of SankarAcArya. Not much is known
about gauDapAda, the person. The name gauDa indicates that he was a north
Indian by birth, and many places, from Kashmir to Bengal, have been postulated
as his home. The sArasvata brAhmaNas of Goa and northern (coastal) Karnataka,
who are said to have immigrated from north India, trace the lineage of the Kavale
maTha to gauDapAda, but not through SankarAcArya. However, one branch of
the sArasvata brAhmaNa community is affiliated to the citrapura maTha, the lineage of
which is traced through SankarAcArya, while yet other (gauDa) sArasvata groups
are followers of the dvaita school.
gauDapAda composed the gauDapAdIya kArikAs (GK), which
constitute an expository text on the mANDUkya upanishad. The GK is divided
into four books (prakaraNas), titled Agama-prakaraNa,
vaitathya-prakaraNa, advaita-prakaraNa and
alAtaSAnti-prakaraNa respectively. The kArikAs of the first book are
traditionally found interspersed with the prose passages of the mANDUkya
upanishad, while the other three books are separated from the body of the
upanishad. Other works that are attributed to gauDapAda are: sAm.khyakArikA
bhAshya, uttaragItA bhAshya, nRsimhottaratApanI upanishad
bhAshya, and a couple of works on SrIvidyA upAsanA - subhAgodaya
and SrIvidyAratnasUtra.
There is a lot of controversy in modern critical scholarship about the
identity and the philosophy of the author(s) of the GK. Thus, there is one
opinion that each book is probably written by a different author. And there
is another opinion that all books are written by the same author. [1] One author traces connections between gauDapAda's
kArikAs and the later pratyabhijnA school of Kashmir Saivism. [2] From the various vedAnta schools comes another kind
of controversy. According to the advaita school, all four prakaraNas are
writings of a human author named gauDapAda, and are therefore not regarded as
Sruti, even though the first prakaraNa is found interspersed with the
sentences of the mANDUkya upanishad. According to the dvaita school, however,
27 kArikAs of the first prakaraNa are not compositions of a human author, and
are therefore as much Sruti as the prose passages of the mANDUkya upanishad.
The most notorious controversy about the GK is about the influence of
mahAyAna buddhism on its author. Curiously enough, even those rival vedAnta
schools which criticize advaita as pracanna-bauddham (buddhism in
disguise) do not quote the GK to substantiate their criticism. However,
among modern scholars who are interested in studying Eastern philosophies
such as advaita vedAnta and mahAyAna buddhism, this has been a hot topic for
debate. [3]
It is clear that the GK has been written in the context of a vedAntic
dialogue with various schools of mahAyAna buddhism, more prominently the
yogAcAra and madhyamaka schools. GK IV (alAtaSAnti prakaraNa) refers to
the mahAyAna school of buddhism as agrAyana. Moreover, the very metaphor of
the alAtacakra is a peculiarly buddhist one. The alAtacakra is a
burning firebrand that is waved in a circle, creating an impression of a
continuous circle of fire. It is interesting to note here that gauDapAda
characteristically inverts the use of the buddhist metaphor. The buddhist uses
the metaphor to insist that the impression of a continuous circle is an
illusion, there being nothing more than the momentary spatial positions of the
burning brand. Hence, from the buddhist prespective, it is plainly an error to
see the burning circle as having any svabhAva - "own-nature". gauDapAda
on the other hand points out that the burning brand is itself the substratum
of its momentary spatial positions and the illusion of a burning circle caused
by waving the brand. Hence, according to him, even if the burning circle is an
illusion, its svabhAva is nothing other than that of the burning brand.
Seen in context, the entire discussion in the GK seems to be a continuation
of the age-old svabhAva vs. nihsvabhAvatA and Atman vs.
nairAtmya debates between vedAntic and buddhist schools. According to
Sankara's commentary on these kArikAs, gauDapAda uses buddhist metaphor and
buddhist terminology to come to vedAntic conclusions regarding the ultimate
existence of the Atman = brahman as the substratum (adhishThAna) of all
experience. That he speaks the buddhist language does not mean that he is a
buddhist in disguise. Moreover, it is not very surprising that gauDapAda, a
vedAntin, is very familiar with buddhist doctrine. Tradition recounts that the
famous pUrva-mImAm.saka, kumArila bhaTTa, learnt from bauddha and jaina
teachers, with a view to understanding their schools before he wrote his own
works on mImAm.sA. Besides, by its very nature, classical Indian philosophical
writing proceeds by means of demarcating one's own position from that of
another's, pointing out where they are similar and on what issues they differ.
An intimate knowledge of the other's philosophical system is necessary for
such refutation to take place.
The contention of some modern scholars that gauDapAda's philosophy is
nothing more than buddhism clothed in vedAntic colors is based on two errors,
that do not do justice to either mahAyAna buddhism or to advaita vedAnta.
There are other points of contrast. For nAgArjuna, there is no need to
affirm a substratum (adhishThAna) of phenomena, whereas for gauDapAda,
the Atman is the substratum of all experience. The madhyamaka non-duality is
in terms of the emptiness (SUnyatA) of all phenomena, while in the
vedAnta view of non-duality, phenomena are possible only due to the essential
reality of the Atman, which is pure consciousness. The madhyamaka school does
not describe SUnyatA as an independent absolute entity, whereas the
advaita vedAnta emphasizes brahman/Atman as an Absolute. In the light of these
significant differences, seeing nothing but mahAyAna buddhism in gauDapAda's
advaita vedAnta is impossible without seeing madhyamaka buddhism itself
through vedAnta-tinted glasses. As for the other schools of buddhism such as
vijnAnavAda, the madhyamaka school itself criticizes them for holding views
that entail consciousness as an Absolute. gauDapAda possibly agrees with this
evaluation of the vijnAnavAda school.
It is also important to remember that the development of both mahAyAna
buddhism and vedAnta took place more or less simultaneously, and within the
same larger geographical area. It would be foolhardy to expect that there
would not have been some interaction between the two most powerful streams
(brAhmaNa and bauddha) of Indian philosophical thought. It is clear from the
history of Indian philosophical thought that both brAhmaNa and bauddha sides
held steadfastly to their basic axioms, although the individual systems within
each stream held diverse opinions on various philosophical issues. On the
whole, it seems as if reading too much mahAyAna buddhism into the GK is
jumping to conclusions. This is not a chauvinistic defense of advaita vedAnta
with respect to buddhism. I only want to point out that there are many subtle
points which make the two systems very different, although both systems
describe Reality as being beyond name and form. It would be well to remember
that the converse criticism, i.e. that mahAyAna buddhism is but vedAnta
clothed in buddhist colors, has been addressed by as early a buddhist writer
as bhAvaviveka (6th century CE).
Last updated on May 5, 1999.
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