[Advaita-l] [advaitin] One more instance of Shankara specifying 'kAraNa shareeram'

H S Chandramouli hschandramouli at gmail.com
Mon Mar 10 05:49:19 EDT 2025

Namaste Sudhanshu Ji,

There is a small but, in my view, significant difference between what Sri
SSS has stated and what Bhaskar Ji has stated.

Bhaskar Ji states, I quote, // that avidyA can be here contextually called
as shareera //.

Whereas Sri SSS states, I quote,  //  it is necessary to assume (or
imagine)  that avidyA is termed kAraNa SharIra on that account. The term **
kAraNa SharIra** is not to be found anywhere else in PTB ; Scholars need to
investigate the reasons for this //.

Bhaskar Ji is very sure about contextuality. Sri SSS on the other hand
suggests that we should assume  or imagine such contextual understanding
 presumably based on other parts of the Bhashya. But that would perhaps be
so only if the other parts of the Bhashya are also interpreted the way he
has done. If other parts of the Bhashya are interpreted differently, then
this contextual understanding here also would be different.  He (Sri SSS)
also observes that this needs further investigation by scholars.

Above is my view.


On Mon, Mar 10, 2025 at 2:52 PM Sudhanshu Shekhar <sudhanshu.iitk at gmail.com>

> Hare Krishna Bhaskar prabhu ji, Chandramouli ji.
>  First, my heartfelt condolences for your recent loss (came to know
>> through FB).  My sincere prayers to her Sadgati.
> 🙏
> //Yes, kAraNa shareera is avidyA and Atman is deha trayAteetaH.  Since
> avidyA is destroyable by knowledge, it is appropriate to call it a
> shareera/ body.  In this sense avidyA is called kAraNa shareera in this
> ishAvAsya .Bh.8.  For identifying oneself with stUla and sUkshma shareera
> the kAraNa is avidyA and that avidyA can be here contextually called as
> shareera since ignorance about himself is the basic cause for janana-maraNa
> chakra.//
> Now, once avidyA is admitted as kAraNa sharIra, would it not *ipso facto*
> imply that it is within the purview of kshetra vide the shlOka: इदं शरीरं
> कौन्तेय क्षेत्रम् इति अभिधीयते।
> And once kshetra, it is ज्ञेय also.
> Regards.
> Sudhanshu Shekhar
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