[Advaita-l] Fwd: One more instance of Shankara specifying 'kAraNa shareeram'

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Sun Mar 9 13:34:04 EDT 2025

Please read the full post here:

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From: V Subrahmanian <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 9, 2025 at 11:02 PM
Subject: One more instance of Shankara specifying 'kAraNa shareeram'
To: Advaitin <advaitin at googlegroups.com>

In the   Bh.Gita Bhashya 13.27, explaining the term Parameshwara, Shankara

परमेश्वरं देहेन्द्रियमनोबुद्ध्यव्यक्तात्मनः अपेक्ष्य परमेश्वरः,    Brahman
is Parameshwara in relation to the body, sense organs, manas, buddhi and
avyakta  selves.  In other words it is the pancha kosha vyatirikta
chaitanyam that is stated in this verse:

समं सर्वेषु भूतेषु तिष्ठन्तं परमेश्वरम् ।
विनश्यत्स्वविनश्यन्तं यः पश्यति स पश्यति ॥ २७ ॥  13.27

He sees who sees the supreme Lord as existing equally in all beings, and as
the Imperishable among the perishable.

The word avyakta used by Shankara in the Bhashya along with the deha =
sthUla shareeram, indriya, manas buddhi = sUkshma sharIram and avyakta =
kAraNa shareeram comes out very clearly.

In this very chapter, for the very last verse:

क्षेत्रक्षेत्रज्ञयोरेवमन्तरं ज्ञानचक्षुषा ।
भूतप्रकृतिमोक्षं च ये विदुर्यान्ति ते परम् ॥ ३४ ॥

Those who know thus through the eye of wisdom the distinction between the
field and the Knower of the field, and the annihilation of the Matrix of
beings,-they reach the Supreme.

In the bhashya Shankara, for the term bhUta prakriti says:

भूतानां प्रकृतिः अविद्यालक्षणा अव्यक्ताख्या,

the cause of all bhUtas is prakriti of the nature of avidya and adds
'called avyakta'.  Here are some instances where Shankara uses the term
avyakta and gives the meaning prakriti/maya/avidya:


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