[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Sri Shankarabhagavatpadacharya Saparya Paddhati - Sri Bhashya Swamigal

Bhaskar YR bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Thu Mar 6 23:34:27 EST 2025

Hare Krishna

Would Shankaracharya approve of his deification and approve of his puja? I doubt it.

  *   Why doubt??  You mean to say vedAnta jignAsa and pooja to his own guru / Acharya cannot go hand in hand 😊 Of course it is traditionally believed that bhAshyakAra who said Ishwara ( saguNa sOpAdhika brahma) is kevala avidyAkruta and kevala vyAvahArika satya, advocated paNchAyatana pooja.  And written lot of stOtra-s and talked about archana/dhyAna/ upAsana of one’s own ishta devata in his bhAshya-s.

We may be doing a disservice to him because some lazy persons would be content to do puja and leave it at that, without actually reading and critically understanding what he wrote.

  *   I am not able to understand this link between doing the guruvandana/ guru pooja and laziness.  For that matter if the guru pooja / guru Vandana done with utmost bhakti, shraddha with ekagrata, guru himself would guide that pupil in the wright mArga even if the later does not have any exposure to his guru’s works, is it not??

Some people are doing the same for Ramakrishna and Vivekananda.

Ø     Perhaps with the same intentions as I said above.

I have all regard for Shankaracharya, and I have been teaching his bhashyams.

Ø    Doing the guru pooja is one of the ways of showing our esteemed adoration and respect to our guru.  IMO.

Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!

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