[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Re: avidyA is adhyasta (superimposed) in AtmA

Sudhanshu Shekhar sudhanshu.iitk at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 07:40:38 EST 2025

Namaste Raghav ji.

My take is that as per siddhAnta- the anubhava-sammata fact is that "I
> directly experience avidyA and infer/presume jnAnAbhAva".


> The crux is that the SSS and Bhaskarji contention is actually *not*
> anubhava-sammata. They are innocently claiming that it's "anubhava-sammata"
> without understanding what's going on in the appreciation of that
> "rope-jnAna-abhAva".

This is true. This subtle distinction of sAkshi-pratyaksha of
bhAvarUpa-ajnAna and arthApatti/anupalabdhi-prameyatva of jnAna-abhAva is
missed by SSS ji.

> I hope Bhaskar ji notes that for Siddhanta, "rope-ajnAna" is
> anubhava-sammata (sAxi-pratyaxa) and rope-jnAna-abhAva is inferred/presumed.

He will have to apply mind on how abhAva is known. There lies the secret.

> rope-jnAna-abhAva is *not* anubhava-sammata, it is paroxa jnAnam.
> rope-ajnAna is indeed anubhava-sammata and aparoxa.


> I wonder what Bhaskar ji and SSS would say, if someone asserts the
> following "For me, rope-ajnAnam is anubhava-sammata. In other words I
> directly experience rope-ajnAnam. Whereas I only infer/presume
> rope-jnAna-abhAva".

"shushka tarka"?? 😀

> No doubt, people at large don't see the difference in vyavahAra between
> the two words  sAxi-pratyaxa ajnAnam and jnAna-abhAva.

It is indeed a subtle point and but for the in-depth analysis presented by
VivaraNa, we would not have been able to understand bhAshya.

Sudhanshu Shekhar.

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