[Advaita-l] Turiya Shiva in the Bhagavatam
V Subrahmanian
v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 02:12:55 EST 2025
In the Bhagavatam there is a Markandeya Stuti of Shiva where he
specifically that Shiva is the one endowed with the three gunas - sattva,
etc. What he means is that these three gunas are required for srishti,
sthiti and samhara, represented by the Trimurtis. By making this address,
Markandeya is conveying that the Shiva he is worshiping with sandal paste,
etc. is the Turiya Brahman.
श्रीमद्भागवतपुराणम्/स्कन्धः १२/अध्यायः १०
आह चात्मानुभावेन पूर्णकामस्य ते विभो ।
करवाम किमीशान येनेदं निर्वृतं जगत् ॥ १६ ॥
*नमः शिवाय शान्ताय सत्त्वाय प्रमृडाय च ।*
* रजोजुषेऽप्यघोराय नमस्तुभ्यं तमोजुषे ॥ १७ ॥*
16. He humbly submitted, “O Omni-present Lord, through your own majestic
splendour you revel in your own blissful nature
<https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/nature#history>. It is because of you
that the whole world feels happy. What service can I render to you, O Ruler
of the Universe?
bow to you who are all auspiciousness, devoid of *guṇas
<https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/guna#purana>* (and hence tranquil),
the embodiment of *Sattva
<https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/sattva#hinduism>* (in the Viṣṇu form)
bestowing happiness on all. I salute you, the support of the *rajas
<https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/rajas#hinduism>* attribute (in the
form of Brahmā <https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/brahma#purana>). Hail
to you (in the Rudra form) the embodiment of *tamas
<https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/tamas#purana>* but not terrific or
Read the full chapter translation here:
*Sridhara Swamin comments:*
श्रीधरस्वामिविरचिता भावार्थदीपिका
निर्गुणत्वेन त्रिगुणत्वेन च नमस्करोति । *नमः शिवाय निर्गुणाय* । सत्त्वाय
सत्त्वाधिष्ठात्रे । अत एव प्रमृडयति सुखयतीति तथा तस्मै ॥ १७ - १८ ॥
नोऽस्मत्तः । त्रयो ब्रह्मविष्णुमहेश्वराः । यद्येभ्यः । ते वयम् ।। १९ ।।
The word Shiva means Nirguna, says Sridhara Swamin. Markandeya is
addressing Shiva as both Nirguna and as endowed with the Three gunas.
This concept of Turiya Shiva is present in other Puranas too. The Turiya
Vishnu is also popular:
Also to be noted the word 'pUrNakAma', which shows that He is not a jiva
that can't be stated to have attained absolute fulfillment. The famous
Venkateshwara Suptrabhatam has this epithet to the Lord of Tirupati:
परस्मै ब्रह्मणे पूर्णकामाय परमात्मने
प्रयुंजे परतत्त्वाय वेङ्कटेशाय मङ्गलम्॥७
Om Tat Sat
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