[Advaita-l] Shanmatha Sthapanam by Adhisankaracharya

Sangeerth P psangeerthgenius at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 04:18:19 EST 2025

Thank you for your kind reply sir. I have posted my question only as a
seeker.* I am sorry if it has hurt you personally. *As I told you,* I am
very new to Shankaracharya *and I am eager to know about his philosophy. I
am from the Ramanuja tradition. My question is when we say that the same
Brahman has manifested in different forms and it has created six matas. We
don't see this in Vaishnava sect. For example, Vishnu taking avatara of
Varaha or Narasimha or Matsya has not created a separate sect or Varaha or
a separate sect of Narasimha. All joins down to a single sect called
Vaishnava. Then how can we use this logic at all, to tell that the same
Brahman manifested as 6 gods.
Sangeerth P

On Mon, Jan 20, 2025 at 2:41 PM Kaushik Chevendra <
chevendrakaushik at gmail.com> wrote:

> 4. As per one *Panini* sutra we can tell that Nara+Ayana=Naraayana, can
>> indicate only one person then how can one understand that Adishankara is
>> Shanmata stapanaacharya where he gives equal status for all the 6 gods as
>> Saguna Brahman.
> Does the singular noun Narayana apply to Rama, krishna , narasimha ,
> vishnu? Why can't it apply to 6 gods? Just as Vishnu is rama, krishna,etc
> he is also the other 5 gods as well. This is the logic.
>> Regards
>> Sangeerth P
>> 8608658009
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