[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Re: avidyA is adhyasta (superimposed) in AtmA
Bhaskar YR
bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Tue Jan 7 06:28:55 EST 2025
Hare Krishna
If Brahman is mAyAvat, you seem to have no problem with that.
> Yes, because shruti itself calls him maayin, unfortunately for you shruti never ever calls him avidyAvAn to declare avidyAvAn-iva brahman😊
But Sureshvara did not say mAyAvat Brahma. He endorsed avidyAvat Brahma and avidyA asya brahmaNah.
> ayoo raama, Advaita is in big ditch if we hold these erroneous conclusions. There is no vidyAvidya vyavahAra in brahman, it is a kindergarten stuff in Advaita...and in vyavahAra kshetra avidyA / adhyAsa is antaHkaraNa dharma / dOsha...ahamidaM mamedaM eti naisarkikOyaM lOkavyavahAraH, you prabhuji-s assuming somany things on this simple explanation and dared to construct the questions like how and when was this avidyA originated, who is having locus, what is its subject matter etc. despite bhAshyakAra explained this is anAdi Ananta naisargika adhyAsa...
So all your questions are to be directed to vArtika.
> brahmAshrita avidyA even before the talks of jeeva & jagat is a big joke floated by post shankarAdvaitins. Which has been holding as authentic by dry logicians.
But I think followers of SSSS reject Sri Sureshvara unless his words tally with SSSSS who alone ostensibly interprets "Shankara bhAShya as it is".
> This reflects poor fund of knowledge one would have about Sri Shankara,Sri Sureshwara and Sri SSS.
Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
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