[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Re: avidyA is adhyasta (superimposed) in AtmA
Sudhanshu Shekhar
sudhanshu.iitk at gmail.com
Tue Jan 7 04:39:50 EST 2025
Namaste Bhaskar prabhu ji.
Keep things simple please.
Is shuddha-nitya-AtmA Ashraya and vishaya of ajnAna?
This is the topic. You said that Brahman is not the Ashraya of avidyA. That
it is fanciful theory of vyAkhyAnakAra.
To this I showed you SSSS Ji's texts where he says that AtmA is the Ashraya
and vishaya of ajnAna.
//That is your grand imagination without understanding the context of Sri
SSS explanation here, that too in that same context he particularly
refuting the brahmAshrita mUlAvidyA, the pet theory of adhyAsOpavAdins.//
The context is all specified very well in NS.
//As per Sri SSS and shankara : the queries like to whom avidyA?? About
which matter (Vishaya) is there avidyA etc. arise ONLY in dvaita and these
queries not at all arise if one really understands the Advaita vedAnta. As
per him, many ‘avivekins’ raise these type of questions without
understanding the profound truth of siddhAnta. Here only Sri SSS, to
satisfy these avivekins quotes shankara’s sUtra bhAshya 4-1-3 where
siddhAnti says : avidyA belongs to you who is asking this question. And
also bruhad bhAshya quote where siddhAnti says there is no another Chetana
apart from brahman to attribute avidyA. If you impartially without any
prejudices sees these explanations of Sri SSS and shankara you have no
other choice but to accept that : since avidyA is a pratyaya (mithyA
pratyaya rUpa, a mental concept) it is antaHkaraNa dOsha / dharma and more
importantly without bisecting this like if avidyA belongs to antaHkaraNa
then what is antaHkaraNa?? Etc. this statement should be understood based
on the viewpoint of deliberation, discrimination of the day to day
transactions. Is this not shankara explained in adhyAsa bhAshya?? Is this
not shankara explained in geeta bhAshya 13.2?? where he clearly said
whether it is jnAnAbhAva, vipareeta grahana or saMshaya and also their
cause should invariably become the dharma of a particular karaNa and NOT
the dharma of the kshetrajnA??//
Sir, VArtikakAra has clearly stated that Brahman is the Ashraya of avidyA.
You can check your conclusions and correctness of SSSS ji if you like.
> Kindly don’t misrepresent Sri SSS in the zeal of propagating your /
> vyAkhyAnakAra-s concocted theories of avidyA. You please stick to your pet
> school and don’t try to drag Sri SSS into this mess.
Ignored being not worthy of response.
Sudhanshu Shekhar.
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