[Advaita-l] Prayers for health, spiritual and corporal

jaldhar at braincells.com jaldhar at braincells.com
Mon Feb 24 11:33:21 EST 2025

On Mon, 24 Feb 2025, Divya Shiva via Advaita-l wrote:

> The above prayer has stayed with me since childhood; we learnt it at
> school. A recent rereading of the Sri Devi Bhagavatam brought the above
> realization & correlation together rather well.
> Otherwise, my extensive reading in my teenage years has revolved around the
> Anglican Communion, fueled by the exceptional theological and philosophical
> prowess of Archbishop Rowan Williams. We have been fortunate to be able to
> attend a few gatherings presided over by him; I consider it a blessing that
> we live in London that allows us the opportunity to be part of a thriving
> intellectual community.
> Another influence since the same age has been Dietrich Bonhoeffer. There
> are many others in this similar vein that I joyfully recollect in my mind,
> as a response to your reply; thanks for the same.

None of this has the slightest bit of relevance to the subject of 
advaita-l which is Advaita Vedanta as taught by Shri Shankaracharya and 
Smarta Sampradaya.  Please stay on topic.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar at braincells.com>

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