[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Nirvikalpa Samadhi
Raghav Kumar Dwivedula
raghavkumar00 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 10 07:00:22 EST 2025
Hare Krishna Bhaskar prabhuji
On Mon, 10 Feb, 2025, 5:16 pm Bhaskar YR via Advaita-l, <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> praNAms
> Hare Krishna
> I have been observing that whenever some controversial topics come up for
> discussion, most talkative prabhuji-s would maintain very smart silence 😊
> The subject topic is one of those topics and traditional understanding of
> this topic drastically differs from that of modern day advaitins, hence
> they talk lot about contents of JMV, VC etc.
Vivekachudamani is accepted as authoritative by Shankara mathas. So
traditional Shankara Matha understanding is pretty much able to endorse VC
without compromise of shastra pramANa. Does that make VC traditional or
modern-day according to you?
I partially agree with you however that the hype around "experiencing
samAdhi" without subsuming it within SMN framework is not correct.
But please note there is much traditional scholarship which has been able
to accommodate the word nirvikalpa samAdhi within the SMN context. Plz see
Chandramouliji post in your backlog.
> Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
> bhaskar
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