[Advaita-l] Brahmakara vritti refuted
Michael Chandra Cohen
michaelchandra108 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 2 05:59:24 EST 2025
"Therefore, having known this (tasmād evaṁ viditvā), one should direct
memory (smṛtim yojayet) towards the non-dual (advaita)." Mandukya Karika
HH SSS Vivrti:
There is no need for acquiring an awareness-modification (vṛtti-lābhaḥ) of
the Self (ātman) for its knowledge (vedanam). For, in the case of the Self
(ātman), which is already self-evident (sva-yam-prasiddhaḥ), knowledge
(vedanam) does not require the generation of an awareness-modification
(vṛtti-sampādana) related to its object (viṣaya). Even though the Self
(ātman) is directly present, immediately evident (avyavahitaḥ), and the
very essence of the inquirer (jijñāsuḥ-svarūpa-bhūtaḥ), yet, due to the
superimposition of name and form (nāma-rūpa-viśeṣa) imagined by ignorance
(1) To those whose intellect is deluded (hṛta-buddhi), it appears as if
(2) It seems as if separated from itself due to the obstruction caused by
duality (dvaita-bhāva-vyavahita-iva).
(3) It appears as if something distinct from oneself (sva-smāt anya iva).
Thus, the false cognition of the reality of duality
(dvaita-bhāva-satyatva-buddhiḥ) alone is what must be eliminated
(nivartayitavyā), not an effort made towards the cognition of the Self
yatnaḥ kartavyaḥ).
from HH SSS, Mandukya Rahasya Vivṛtti (MRV2-38), Pages 390-258 Chatgpt
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