[Advaita-l] what is the technical definition of Drik in Advaita?

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Fri May 31 13:37:22 EDT 2024

In the Drk-Drshya Viveka, the very first verse:

रूपं दृश्यं लोचनं दृक् तद्दृश्यं दृक्तु मानसम् ।
दृश्या धीवृत्तयः साक्षी दृगेव न तु दृश्यते ॥ १॥

equates the sakshi with the drk and says that this drk/sakshi is never

We are reminded of the Lalita Sahasra Nama:  vishva-sAkshini sAkshi
varjita.  This Consciousness is the witness of the entire universe but
never becomes the object for any other witness.

The last verse of the  Drk-Drshya Viveka:

प्रातिभासिकजीवस्य लये स्युर्व्यावहारिके ।
तल्लये सच्चिदानन्दाः पर्यवस्यन्ति साक्षिणि ॥ ४६॥

equates the sAkshi with Brahman.

On Fri, May 31, 2024 at 10:53 PM V Subrahmanian <v.subrahmanian at gmail.com>

> Namaste
> I think we have to make a distinction in the definition of the concept of
> Sakshi:
> 1. That it is associated with one body mind complex and hence is relative
> 2. That it is the same unchanging consciousness in every body and hence
> absolute.
> For the second one we have this passage of the Brahmasutra bhashya:1.1.4"
> अहंप्रत्ययविषयत्वादुपनिषत्स्वेव विज्ञायत इत्यनुपपन्नम् । न, तत्साक्षित्वेन
> प्रत्युक्तत्वात् । न ह्यहंप्रत्ययविषयकर्तृव्यतिरेकेण तत्साक्षी सर्वभूतस्थः
> सम एकः कूटस्थनित्यः पुरुषो विधिकाण्डे तर्कसमये वा केनचिदधिगतः
> He it is the Aupanishada Purusha that is meant by the term sAkshi.  It is
> 'sarvabhUtastha, samah, ekah, kUTastha nitya, PuruSha.
> अहं साक्षीति यो विद्याद्विविच्यैवं पुनः पुनः । स एव मुक्तः सो विद्वानिति
> वेदान्तडिण्डिमः ।।१८।। Brahmajnanavali maalaa.
> Here the sAkshitvam is upalakshanam for Brahman.
> warm regards
> subrahmanian.v

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