[Advaita-l] SAmAnya in world-Brahman adhyAsa

Bhaskar YR bhaskar.yr at hitachienergy.com
Wed Jul 24 06:06:53 EDT 2024

praNAms Sri Sudhanshu prabhuji
Hare Krishna

MAyA and hare's horn both have traikAlika-nishedha-pratiyogitA in common. But they are different on the aspect of sattvena-pratIyamAnatva. Means, mAyA can have sat-tAdAtmya but hare's horn cannot. So, both are not equated please note.

Ø     I am really happy to note that both are NOT same even in your books 😊…would it be possible for you to elaborate further about : traikAlika-nishedha-pratiyogitA and sat-tAdAtmya, how can one  be both traikAlika nishedhita status as well as tAdAtmya with satya??    If it is tAdAtmyata with satya how can it be at the same time categorized as traikAlika nishedhita??  Please explain.

What is is-ness? Is it shuddha chaitanya or vishaya-avachchhinna-chaitanya?

  *   The common factor among Shuddha Chaitanya, Vishaya-avacchinna Chaitanya and jadAtmaka jagat.  And this very existence what is called as Atman and only Atman with single word and after creation called with multiple names and forms and also Atman. The same thing bhAshyakAra explains in Itareya shruti bhAshya : the Jagat remained subject only to one word and one thought namely brahman and after creation Jagat is available for many words and thoughts and also is available to one and only Word and thought, i.e. Atman.  So the is-ness is just existence without any prefixes and suffixes.

Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!

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