[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Re: pratiyogI-jnAna being mandatory for abhAva-jnAna
Venkatraghavan S
agnimile at gmail.com
Fri Aug 2 06:47:43 EDT 2024
Namaste Sudhanshu ji,
Thank you for a very nice summary of the discussion and the illuminating
points raised by you. I agree with your analysis and the refutation of
asat-pratiyogika-abhAva, which forms the basis of the chapter on
niShedhapratiyogitva anyathAnupapatti. from the siddhi.
That chapter is based on the argumentation by Sri Anandapurna in
nyAyachandrikA, wherein he argues that anirvachanIyatva stands proven
because only anirvachanIya objects are capable of being abhAva-pratiyogi.
To do this he proved that asat cannot be an abhAva-pratiyogi.
Interestingly, while asat-pratiyogika-atyantAbhAva is not accepted in the
siddhAnta, asat-pratiyogika-anyonyAbhAva is accepted. In the first
definition of mithyAtva, the siddhikAra defines the sAdhya as
- सत्प्रतियोगिकासत्प्रतियोगिकभेदद्वयं वा साध्यम्. That is, mithyAtva is the
combination of two differences having sat and asat as their
I believe the basis for this is that the perception of bheda only requires
anuyogi yogyatA (which Brahman/anirvachanIya objects have), whereas
perception (via anupalabdhi) of abhAva requires pratiyogi yogyatA, which
asat objects do not have.
Thus, if asat cannot be the pratiyogi of abhAva, one can argue that it
falls outside the scope of the abhAva jnAna requiring pratiyogi jnAna rule.
Interestingly, the madhva system accepts that asat can be the pratiyogi of
The siddhikAra in refuting the aprasiddhi argument of the mAdhva in the
chapter on मिथ्यात्वानुमानस्यानुमानबाधोद्धारः says असत्प्रतियोगिकाभावं
स्वीकुर्वतः पराभ्युपगममात्रेणैव प्रतियोगिप्रसिद्धिसंभवात् - for you, who
accept that absence can have asat as a counterpositive, the acceptance of
the prasiddhi of aniravachanIya avidyA on the basis of the opponent's
system is not out of the question.
Your point on asat being out of the scope of the topic under discussion is
well made. Thank you for this discussion.
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