[Advaita-l] Fwd: Vishnutva Rudratva Brahmatva.. How can these be achieved?

Kaushik Chevendra chevendrakaushik at gmail.com
Sun Jan 1 05:09:32 EST 2023

A small addition on this topic.
In the gita bhasya wherever there is the mention of "attaining the state of
Vishnu" acharya interprets it as "mukthi" and not the position of Vishnu.
This remains consistent through out the prasthan traya bhasyas, the
statment of  "tat vishnor param padam" has been interpreted by acharya as
mukthi and not becoming narayana. If the argument is made that here "visnu"
is nirguna brahman then in the gita krishna mentions "attaining me" and
"becoming me" "comming to me" etc. All these statments are also taken as
attaining mukthi.

Further there is a huge logical problem if isvara is an attainable
position. For one thing in BSB bhasya shankaracharya states the gita verse
that the jivatama is part of isvara.
And he is their controller of jeevas. He is the giver of fruit of action as
well. Acharya quotes gita here twice.
Further if isvaratva is attained by someone the statments of "eternal" and
"unchanging" etc won't be applicable.

And top of all this it is also starkly in contradiction to our shistas and
sampradaya. Hence such statements are be taken as arthavada and not
literally. Just as the statments of puranas saying " a dip in Ganga gives
mukthi" etc are not taken literally, these too are the same.

Namo narayana

On Sat, 31 Dec, 2022, 10:48 pm Kaushik Chevendra, <
chevendrakaushik at gmail.com> wrote:

> Namaste sir.
> These types of statments are to be taken as only arthavada.
> It's not in line with our sampradaya that the position of isvara is
> attainable through sadhana. The jeeva never attains the position of eternal
> isvara.
> Abhinava vidyatirtha swamin and shri chandrashekhara Bharathi swamin have
> talked about the difference between isvara and devatas(whose positions are
> attainable).
> On Sat, 31 Dec, 2022, 11:55 am V Subrahmanian via Advaita-l, <
> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
>> Read full post here: https://groups.google.com/g/advaitin/c/kUdVGxAAHAQ
>> Vishnutva Rudratva Brahmatva.. How can these be achieved?
>> In the Mahabharata and various Puranas there is mention of the three forms
>> of Trimurtis and how they can be attained.
>> Mahabharata: https://sanskritdocuments.org/.../mahabharata-k-13-sa.html
>> <
>> https://sanskritdocuments.org/.../mahabharata-k-13-sa.html?fbclid=IwAR1dXNOc98f4VrNJ4ywaJpqnBlnIn1MjaJv5ssI-kOKknOtDsuXkQQF_mik
>> >
>> It is said that the devotees can get the positions of Brahma, Vishnu and
>> Indra when Rudra is pleased:
>> ब्रह्मत्वं केशवत्वं वा शक्रत्वं वा सुरैः सह।
>> त्रैलोक्यस्याधिपत्यं वा तुष्टो रुद्रः प्रयच्छति 13-49-65
>> भविष्यपुराणम् /पर्व १ (ब्राह्मपर्व)/अध्यायः १७४
>> https://sa.wikisource.org/s/muf
>> <
>> https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fsa.wikisource.org%2Fs%2Fmuf%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2KrRGBEFHyFmI28Bc1vvexaL8q3tQmFpLw990F3u04vy8iuoz-S_0V9oc&h=AT3ajeFIvJ_eeU251_Zwqgr9CU-k5L-UtR-bBsYCC2RCYD_dr0V4l6jjGcToFD-xgio6fd9lEy8bQsYsXi2iNQ5xWd814f3ZaK90fgf4YeFQZuNLU42garlSWc1sAWD8jvo&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2BhZbeGv1YIm2J1lpLfkWkx1vCKr6RFTgvhk7Et7ZNFwtYcGsuNMAxZQZBlBreFqrIMZXZphsG_CQOpuipEApcPEb3xj1FZqR93V9sfrBE95neOmD4btZDz74ZPgEiurzC
>> >
>> सूर्यस्तुतिवर्णनम्
>> ।। ।। अरुण उवाच ।। ।।
>> पूजयित्वा रविं भक्त्या ब्रह्मा बह्मत्वमागतः ।।
>> विष्णुत्वं चापि देवेशो विष्षुराप तदर्चनात् ।। १ ।।
>> शंकरोऽपि जगन्नाथः पूजयित्वा दिवाकरम् ।।
>> महादेवत्वमगमत्तत्प्रसादात्खगाधिप ।। २ ।।
>> Brahma Vishnu Rudra worshiped Surya and attained their respective
>> positions
>> - Bhavishya Purana.
>> देवीभागवतपुराणम्/स्कन्धः ११/अध्यायः १८
>> https://sa.wikisource.org/s/hsu
>> <
>> https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fsa.wikisource.org%2Fs%2Fhsu%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2ecEOZ4q1zDfxV_rYVVLPQPGKSIJn6m05wepZ8yYWGEDMAXSrGz07DD1g&h=AT0e5zSEtpWrR2hQP6FrtfSrLY8bIGVlfep1qkwn_AyflA84A0ALxRmvwRASsNhu5yTz-Ng5gi3XJbPxVRbr7wZIrCT6-ZZe_h2cUnZDMQkpq2Jb2ZnJYj0n46MK37ZsHgI&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2BhZbeGv1YIm2J1lpLfkWkx1vCKr6RFTgvhk7Et7ZNFwtYcGsuNMAxZQZBlBreFqrIMZXZphsG_CQOpuipEApcPEb3xj1FZqR93V9sfrBE95neOmD4btZDz74ZPgEiurzC
>> >
>> श्रीनारायण उवाच
>> मल्लिकामालतीपुष्पैरष्टगन्धेन लोलितैः ॥ २५ ॥
>> कोटिसङ्‌ख्यैः पूजया तु जायते स चतुर्मुखः ।
>> दशकोटिभिरप्येवं तैरेव कुसुमैर्मुने ॥ २६ ॥
>> विष्णुत्वं लभते मर्त्यो यत्सुरेष्वपि दुर्लभम् ।
>> विष्णुनैतद्‌व्रतं पूर्वं कृतं स्वपदलब्धये ॥ २७ ॥
>> शतकोटिभिरप्येवं सूत्रात्मत्वं व्रजेद्‌ध्रुवम् ।
>> व्रतमेतत्पुरा सम्यक्कृतं भक्त्या प्रयत्‍नतः ॥ २८ ॥
>> Sri Narayana said: Vishnu and Brahma obtained their positions by
>> worshiping
>> Devi with unique flowers - Devi Bhagavata Purana.
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