[Advaita-l] [advaitin] rAma-krishna-shiva-durga etc. are not same in shAstric vyavahAra!!!

V Subrahmanian v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 07:20:40 EST 2023

On Mon, 13 Feb 2023, 4:39 pm H S Chandramouli, <hschandramouli at gmail.com>

> Namaste Subrahmanian Ji
> Reg  <<  We have statements in the Bhashya such as
> the person who has acquired the post of prajapati /Hiranyagarbha is stated
> to have 'independent ability to create, sustain and withdraw'.  There is a
> very specific statement of Shankaracharya in the Brihadaranyaka Bhashya to
> this effect >>
> And
> <<  So, that H cannot be the Creator,
> Sustainer and Destroyer. But Shankara says so. That is what is intriguing.
> It requires a thorough study of the Bhashyas to reconcile this. We cannot
> say that this independence is relative as H is not admitted anywhere to be
> the sustainer, etc. Hence this problem. I have not got a convincing
> solution to this so far >.
> I presume reference is to BUB 1-2-1.


It is from BUB 1.4.1

Bhashya for Br.Up. mantra 1.4.1:

 ज्ञानकर्मभ्यां समुच्चिताभ्यां प्रजापतित्वप्राप्तिर्व्याख्याता ;
केवलप्राणदर्शनेन च — ‘तद्धैतल्लोकजिदेव’ इत्यादिना । प्रजापतेः फलभूतस्य
सृष्टिस्थितिसंहारेषु जगतः स्वातन्त्र्यादिविभूत्युपवर्णनेन
ज्ञानकर्मणोर्वैदिकयोः फलोत्कर्षो वर्णयितव्य इत्येवमर्थमारभ्यते ।

The creation etc of the world is said here.


BU 1-2-1  <<  नैवेह किञ्चनाग्र आसीन्मृत्युनैवेदमावृतमासीदशनाययाशनाया हि
> मृत्युस्तन्मनोऽकुरुतात्मन्वी स्यामिति । >>
> <<  naiveha ki~nchanAgra AsInmRRityunaivedamAvRRitamAsIdashanAyayAshanAyA
> hi mRRityustanmano.akurutAtmanvI syAmiti | >>
> The Bhashya on this states
> BUB 1-2-1
> <<  स एष बुद्ध्यवस्थो हिरण्यगर्भो मृत्युरित्युच्यते । तेन मृत्युनेदं
> कार्यमावृतमासीत् , यथा पिण्डावस्थया मृदा घटादय आवृताः स्युरिति तद्वत् >>
> <<  sa eSha buddhyavastho hiraNyagarbho mRRityurityuchyate | tena
> mRRityunedaM kAryamAvRRitamAsIt , yathA piNDAvasthayA mRRidA ghaTAdaya
> AvRRitAH syuriti tadvat  >>
> <<  यद्वा  विराजमुद्दिश्य  संकल्पमकरोन्मनः । आत्मन्वी  स्यामिति  तथा
> साकूतः  सृष्टिकारणम् ।  >>
> <<  yadvA  virAjamuddishya  saMkalpamakaronmanaH | AtmanvI  syAmiti
> tathA  sAkUtaH  sRRiShTikAraNam |  >>
> Sri Bhagavatpada here interprets  मृत्यु (mRRityu)  as Hiranyagarbha and
>  states that just as kAryAs like pot etc are covered by kAraNa like clay (पिण्डावस्थया
> मृदा piNDAvasthayA mRRidA), this Creation was covered by Hiranyagarbha in
> the form of (samashti) Buddhi.
> This would give the impression that Creation was by Hiranyagarbha.
> This is explained by Swami Sureswaracharya in the vArtika
> BUBV 1-2-1-145
> <<  यद्वा  विराजमुद्दिश्य  संकल्पमकरोन्मनः । आत्मन्वी  स्यामिति  तथा
> साकूतः  सृष्टिकारणम् ।  >>
> <<  yadvA  virAjamuddishya  saMkalpamakaronmanaH | AtmanvI  syAmiti
> tathA  sAkUtaH  sRRiShTikAraNam |  >>
> Translation   <<  The Root Cause of this Creation, who had a thought (in
> mind) ; **let me be possessed of a self or a body **, created manas , the
> one which collects impressions  in an orderly way,  with the intention of
> creating Viraj  >>.
> The word  मृत्यु (mRRityu) is interpreted as ** The Root Cause in the
> form of Hiranyagarbha **.
> Sri Anandagiri Acharya  explains  thus
> <<…………सृष्टेः स्वरूपं यस्येति सृष्टिकारण  इत्यर्थः। सृष्टेः  कारणं
> ब्रह्मास्य कारणं स्वरूपमिति  वा  सूत्रात्मा  यथोक्तः। >>
> <<    sRRiShTeH svarUpaM yasyeti sRRiShTikAraNa  ityarthaH | sRRiShTeH
> kAraNaM  brahmAsya kAraNaM svarUpamiti  vA  sUtrAtmA  yathoktaH | >>
> Note ::  सृष्टिकारणः  विग्रहमाह – सृष्टेरिति । (sRRiShTikAraNaH
> vigrahamAha - sRRiShTeriti  |).
> Just as मृत् (mRRit)  is the kAraNa for मृत्पिण्ड (mRRitpiNDa), अव्याकृत
> (avyAkRRita)  is the kAraNa for Hiranyagarbha himself. Hence there is
> consistency as between Bhashya and Vartika.
> I hope this addresses your concern. You may like to refer to this portion
> of the vArtika and a couple of slokas following and preceding this sloka
> for further clarity.
> I have based this on the kannada translation and notes of  BUBV by Sri
> Krishna Jois.
> Regards

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