[Advaita-l] [advaitin] Shankara accepts BhAvarUpa ajnana BSB 4.1.15

Sudhanshu Shekhar sudhanshu.iitk at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 00:11:37 EDT 2023

Namaste Kathirasan ji

//The Aparokshanubhuti attributed to Shankara, subscribes to the same
position (i.e. no prarabdha for the jivanmukta, but only there for the

There are no jIvanmukta in DSV. jIvanmukti is admitted only in SDV wherein
concept of continuance of prArabdha is valid.

jIvanmukti and prArabdha go hand-in-hand. If we accept jIvanmukti, prArabha
stands accepted ipso facto.

This "onlooker" thing is not mentioned anywhere. ajnAni-jana-bodhArtham
merely implies that the teaching of prArabdha is to ajnAnI. That is well
accepted. But then, there is no prArabdha - is also a teaching to ajnAnI.

Basically, in SDV, prArabdha is admitted whereas in DSV, prArabdha is not

In ajAti, the discussion itself does not arise.


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