[Advaita-l] Perception in lightning
H S Chandramouli
hschandramouli at gmail.com
Sun May 9 10:02:14 EDT 2021
Namaste Sudhanshu Ji,
Reg << So, Mind+shrotra going out will not be able to explain the
differing perception in case of subsequent perception when m+s is
supposedly already there at vishaya >>,
It is not that m+s is already at the location of the sound source. And all
subsequent perceptions of sound will be coterminous with sound production.
For each sound perception, m+s needs to travel the distance separately for
that sound perception. That is what is intended. A continuous flow of m+s
to the sound source. There seems to be no particular objection to
considering that m+s has a different speed compared to m+c.
Having said that, Prof Suryanarayana Rao also lists several objections to
the concept. See Note 28 in his translation of Vedanta Paribhasha.
On Sun, May 9, 2021 at 6:53 PM Sudhanshu Shekhar <sudhanshu.iitk at gmail.com>
> Hari Om Chandramouli ji,
> It will still be unable to explain subsequent perceptions. Let me explain:-
> Suppose a sound source of adequate intensity produces sound 3.4 km away.
> It can be experimentally demonstrated that it will take 10 sec to be
> perceived. Now let there be two observers a and b. A is near the source
> while b is 3.4 km away. (In an obstruction free space a large clock can
> also be placed). Sound produced is of different frequencies. Both a and b
> are noting down the frequencies and time. Suppose sound of frequency x is
> produced at 10 am. So a will write x--10 am while b will write x--10.00.10.
> Now at 10.05 suppose sound of frequency y is produced. Then a will write
> y--10.05. But b will write y--10.05.10. But by this time, mind is already
> there with shrotra. (3.4 km is a very short distance. Many a times it will
> be within range of visibility also). So subsequent perceptions should match
> for observers a and b. But this does not happen. So, Mind+shrotra going out
> will not be able to explain the differing perception in case of subsequent
> perception when m+s is supposedly already there at vishaya.
> Regards.
> On Sun, 9 May, 2021, 6:20 pm H S Chandramouli, <hschandramouli at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Namaste Sudhanshu Ji,
>> Reg << If the mind does not reach there simultaneously, then the
>> conclusion would
>> be attribution of different speeds to mind+chakshu vis-a-vis mind+shrotra
>> >>,
>> What would be the objection to such a conceptualization?
>> Regards
>> Chandramouli
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>> On Sun, May 9, 2021 at 1:02 PM Sudhanshu Shekhar via Advaita-l <
>> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
>>> Hari Om,
>>> In case of visual and audible perception, mind is said to go out along
>>> with
>>> chakshu and shrota indriya and make contact with vishaya and turn
>>> vishayAkAra. Reflection of chaitanya then gives rise to visual and
>>> audible
>>> perception.
>>> In case of lightning, if the mind reaches there simultaneously with
>>> shrotra
>>> and chakshu, the perception of light and sound should be simultaneous.
>>> But
>>> this is not the case.
>>> If the mind does not reach there simultaneously, then the conclusion
>>> would
>>> be attribution of different speeds to mind+chakshu vis-a-vis
>>> mind+shrotra.
>>> How to understand it in the traditional framework.
>>> Regards,
>>> Sudhanshu Shekhar.
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