[Advaita-l] Relation between the object and its attributes
Venkatraghavan S
agnimile at gmail.com
Wed May 20 14:52:06 EDT 2020
Thanks Subbuji, our emails must have crossed - I sent Sadaji an email today
saying exactly what you have said below.
This was the email:
Kind regards,
On Wed, 20 May 2020, 19:26 V Subrahmanian via Advaita-l, <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> While in a conversation with Sri Mani Dravid Sastrigal, I asked about this
> topic and he said this: In Advaita the relationship between guNa and guNi
> is tAdAtmya:
> We thank Sri Sada ji for raising this question.
> This is from the Brahma Sutra Bhashya 2.2.17:
> Objection: Even the smoke that is distinct from fire is seen to be
> dependent on fire. Siddhantin: True it is so, but owing to the perception
> of difference between the two, we conclude their mutual difference. However
> in the case of - white blanket, red cow, blue lotus - the objects (blanket,
> cow, lotus, etc.), since the object itself is perceived 'as endowed with'
> those attributes, there is never a perception of distinction as in the case
> of fire and smoke. Thus, the attribute is of the 'nature' ('sameness') of
> the object.
> Apte
> तादात्म्यम् [tādātmyam], Sameness of nature, identity, unity;
> नयनयोस्तादात्म्यमम्भोरुहाम् Bv.२.८१; भगवत्यात्मनस्तादात्म्यम् &c.
> नन्वग्नेरन्यस्यापि सतो धूमस्याग्न्यधीनत्वं दृश्यते ; सत्यं दृश्यते ;
> भेदप्रतीतेस्तु तत्राग्निधूमयोरन्यत्वं निश्चीयते ; इह तु — शुक्लः कम्बलः,
> रोहिणी धेनुः, नीलमुत्पलम् — इति द्रव्यस्यैव तस्य तस्य तेन तेन विशेषणेन
> प्रतीयमानत्वात् नैव द्रव्यगुणयोरग्निधूमयोरिव भेदप्रतीतिरस्ति ; *तस्माद्*
> *द्रव्यात्मकता** गुणस्य *।
> warm regards
> subbu
> >
> >
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