[Advaita-l] Why did Brahman create the world?
Bhaskar YR
bhaskar.yr at in.abb.com
Thu Jan 30 05:41:37 EST 2020
praNAms Sri Sudhanshu Shekhar prabhuji
Hare Krishna
Problem is that the questions etc implies some fluctuation, something happening.. that is against the principle of one homogeneous infinite entity.. creation etc we can keep aside.. but the fact of impugned question, discussion implies fluctuation, a vibration and that violates infiniteness of sole existence.
> Still haunting this doubt ?? 😊 When shruti declares everything is brahman there is nothing apart from that, what prevents us to consider that socalled troubling fluctuations, vibrations etc. themselves brahman?? There is no question of svagata bheda here !! it is just like looking at Vishnu tattva not only in physical form of Vishnu with four hands but seeing the Vishnu tattva between the fingers gap of these four hands and the gap between shankha, chakra etc. 😊 ....sarvaM vishNu mayaM jagat sarvaM khalvidaM brahma. If that is not the case or that is not the realization then we may have to wait completely still water without currents, waves and bubbles to realize it is indeed water !! Even in that scenario one could easily see the duality i.e. the completely still water and the person who is witnessing it. All these problem arise, I reckon due to keeping the brahma tattva aloof from something, in the above example it is vibrations and fluctuations.
Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
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