[Advaita-l] The Foundations of Adhyāsa - 9 (Sādhana towards Self-knowledge)

Sean Geiger seangeiger1991 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 00:16:57 EST 2018

On Sun, Nov 25, 2018 at 11:25 PM S Jayanarayanan via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:

> Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi teaches the direct path to Self-realization
> called Self-Enquiry. This series will end with a couple of quotes
> from his Teachings (both in the book "Day by Day with Bhagavan", 17-10-46
> & 23-1-46), giving a brief overview of Adhyāsa, along with
> its disappearance:
>   “It is said the whole Vedānta can be compressed into the four words,
> deham, nāham, ko'ham, so'ham. This stanza says
>   the same. In the first two lines, it is explained why deham is nāham,
> i.e., why the body is not ‘I’ or na aham.
>   The next two lines say, ‘If one enquires ko' aham, i.e., Who am I, i.e.,
> if one enquires whence this ‘I’ springs
>   and realises it, then in the heart of such a one the Omnipresent God
> Arunachala will shine as ‘I’, as sa' aham or
  so'ham: i.e., he will know ‘That I am,’ i.e., ‘That is "I".’”


A fine series. Not to nitpick, but deha is masculine gender in Sanskrit.
deho nāham, ko'ham, so'ham would sound better. Or, if you are looking for a
neuter gender word, śarīram would suffice. I am reminded of another
saying- *देहो
देवालय*: *प्रोक्तो* जीवो देव: सनातन: । त्यजेदज्ञाननिर्माल्यं सोऽहंभावेन

Best regards,

> (Concluded)
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