[Advaita-l] Bhagini Hasta Bhojanam

Venkatesh Murthy vmurthy36 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 23:40:41 EDT 2017


Guru's son will be like a brother to the disciple and Guru's daughter is
like a sister. For this there is a story in the Puranas about Kacha and
Devayani. Kacha was Bruhaspati's son and Devayani was Sukracharya's
daughter. She developed love for Kacha and wanted to marry him when he was
studying under Sukracharya. One day the Asuras killed him and mixed his
bones powder into alcoholic drinks and served to Sukracharya. He drank it
but he came to know Kacha was killed and he drank his bones. Then
Sukracharya taught Sanjeevini Mantra to Kacha in the stomach and brought
him to life. Kacha burst open Sukracharya's stomach and became alive. But
Sukracharya was killed. Then Kacha used Sanjeevini Mantra to make
Sukracharya alive. Then Kacha said to Devayani. I have come out of my
Guru's stomach and I am like his son. Therefore you are my sister. I cannot
marry you. You find some other person to marry. Devayani later married
Emperor Yayati but he was not faithful to her and had illicit relations
with her servant Sharmistha.

Guru is both Mother and Father of disciple. As a matter of fact he is
higher than Mother and Father.

In those ancient days men used to marry girls very young like 12 years old.
There was big generation gap between husband and wife. Guru's wife was very
young and almost same age as Brahmachari disciples of Guru. But Guru's wife
is like mother to disciples. That is why they say a person going to bed
with Guru's wife is doing Guru Talpagamana is a Heinous Crime. It is a
Mahapataka. It is a Heinous Crime like Matru Gamana.

On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 4:48 AM, KAMESWARARAO MULA <kamesh_ccmb at yahoo.co.in>

> Dear Murhty Garu
>                         Although logically your explanation holds good,
> but what I feel that 'Sister is sister only', she can never become a
> mother, because her mind is limited always thinks about
> herself/materialistic things/always self centred in their thoughts  so that
> they can have high hand ness as both are sharing the same karmic time, they
> can't come out from the 'Out of Box thinking'. This is one limitation.
> Guru's daughter can also be a sister, I hope this can holds good as per
> your explanation.
> Other than that, what to do  in a special/unique case which really
> happened  like below: Pls  adivse in the following scenario:
>  It was happened that one of a disciple was just walking in karmic time in
> the search of his sriguru and one fine day he was bestowed with the
> 'Panchadasi Maha mantra' by the lotus feet and told that Guru's
> dharmapatni, his son, daughter are equivalent to 'guru' , I mean since they
> are his karmic relations they were first t him than the disciple and their
> family also feels/behaves like this.  If cousin sister or friends sister is
> guru's daughter, what we should do in this particular type of section,
> although unlikely, but it is true, exists in the case for which I mentioned.
> Bye going to their house, will it make a conclusion that you are going
> just like a disciple or since the disciple has taken the diksha from them,
> so on any of the day/time, he can also becomes a drop of 'guru'.
> My question is that  if the disciple goes to their house, can't it be like
> a 'pupil of guru' although he is least bothers about any relations or
> materialistic things.
> pls think little deep in this & advise as per sastra  so that it can be
> useful to me and it the actual thing it happened and more over, the so
> called disciple was cheated, betrayed just like the samadhi& vyasya in the
> durga sapta sati story & lost the race in life, donated the physical body
> got from the mother, given up all the materialistic things to all his
> relations and just Hanging under the feet of 'Sri Guru' with breath
> remained on his way to the final Journey.
> with warm regards
> Kameswara Rao
> Dr. M.Kameswara Rao
> Senior Scientist, P&T Division,
> Defence Research & Development Establishment,
> Ministry of Defence, Govt of India
> Jhansi Road, Gwalior-474002,India
> Ph 91-(0)751-2390368(0)
> Imp Note:The information contained in this electronic message and any
> attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the
> addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged
> information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not
> disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender
> immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments if
> any.
> On Saturday, 21 October 2017 10:44 AM, Venkatesh Murthy via Advaita-l <
> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> Namaste
> What to do if a person has no sisters? Then he can take food in cousin
> sister's house. But he should not eat in his own house food cooked by his
> wife. He can also eat in friend's house treating friend's wife as sister.
> On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 8:53 AM, KAMESWARARAO MULA via Advaita-l <
> advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> > Dear Friends,                        Today many people celebrate as
> > 'Bhagini hasta Bhojan' as it is a boon from Lord Yama Dharma Raja that
> > those sister who offers food to their brothers on this day will not have
> > the fear of death. The story goes like this is that Yama is the son of
> Lord
> > surya and Yamuna is the daughter. Since Yamuna always walks in front and
> > never comes back and it is symbol of time also. Yama is the Lord of death
> > who grants the death so easily in time with out any difficulty as a duty.
> > Once it happened that on this Sukla Dwitiya of the Kartiki, Yamuna
> offered
> > bhojan to Yama. The Lord of Justice, the Yama was so pleased for her
> > sister's affection and granted the boon that who ever offer bhojan to
> their
> > brothers on this particular day will have the blessings from me that they
> > will not have 'Apa Mrutyu Bhayam'.
> > Why the sister's are called as Bhagini's is that as they were travelling
> > in same time with us little forward or backward, but they are sharing the
> > same 'bhagam' of the mother yoni from which both arrived. It is the
> Karmic
> > bondage only , not like that you wanted some body as sister or you wanted
> > somebody as brother. or you have not made any equation that you want to
> > become brother & she wants to become sister.Sister's & Brother's share
> > their karma or Karma Phalawith regardsKameswara Rao Dr. M.Kameswara
> > RaoSenior Scientist, P&T Division,Defence Research & Development
> > Establishment, Ministry of Defence, Govt of IndiaJhansi Road,
> > Gwalior-474002,IndiaPh 91-(0)751-2390368(0) Imp Note:The information
> > contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message
> > are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain
> > proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the
> > intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this
> > e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of
> this
> > message and any attachments if any.
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> --
> Regards
> -Venkatesh
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