[Advaita-l] ***UNCHECKED*** Re: Fwd: Rama and Krishna are Jiva-s - Mahabharata

Kalyan kalyan_kg at yahoo.com
Wed May 24 10:43:46 EDT 2017

You have not answered my straightforward question, "what is your purpose for being on this list?" //

I will answer this question if only to reduce your anger. But before answering, let me make a small point. In my introductory message itself I made it very clear that I am not a traditional vedAntin. Refer below link -


So the moderators admitted me into the list, knowing fully well that I am not a traditional advaitin.

Now to answer your question - I joined this list to understand how traditional advaitins are convinced of the truth of their philosophy, in the light of what I see as unresolvable questions and contradictions in advaita.

Now I hope your question is answered. I have infact not written any post here where I personally attacked any member of this forum. I expect similar behavior from your side. 

On Wed, 5/24/17, Vidyasankar Sundaresan <svidyasankar at gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Advaita-l] Fwd: Rama and Krishna are Jiva-s - Mahabharata
 To: "Kalyan" <kalyan_kg at yahoo.com>
 Cc: "Venkata sriram P" <venkatasriramp at yahoo.in>, "A discussion group for Advaita Vedanta" <advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org>
 Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2017, 2:22 PM
 rich, Kalyan. If you think you are provoking me by
 repeatedly bringing up my being a moderator here, you're
 not. You're merely proving that you're a
 You have not
 answered my straightforward question, "what is your
 purpose for being on this list?" Others, who are not
 moderators of this list, have asked you the same question
 and you have yet to answer that. You had better find a way
 to answer that and decide for yourself whether you want to
 contribute productively or if you simply want to shoot and
 On Wed, May 24, 2017 at
 9:39 AM, Kalyan <kalyan_kg at yahoo.com>
 down. Just because you are the moderator you cannot write
 abusive messages. I have merely presented the facts from
 Shankara bhAshyas. I have not invented anything on my own.
 There is no need to get so angry. There is no need to
 develop a visceral hatred for me. 
     On Wednesday, May 24, 2017 6:44 PM,
 Vidyasankar Sundaresan <svidyasankar at gmail.com>
 come off it. You know, sometimes it's better to keep
 quiet and be thought a fool than to say something and remove
 all doubt. It's a pity that you've been repeatedly
 choosing the latter option.
 again, what is your purpose in being on a list that is
 dedicated to traditional advaita vedAnta if you have a poor
 opinion of everyone from Adi Sankara down? Just to exhibit
 some bravado daring the moderators to throw you
 On May 24, 2017 7:44 AM,
 "Kalyan" <kalyan_kg at yahoo.com>
 criticism of these other schools centers around the fact
 that none of them are independent means to moksha. The same
 Sankara also accepts whatever is right and good in these
 other schools, subject to agreement with the aupanishada
 again, reality is different from the above. In BSB 2.2.32,
 Shankara summarily dismisses the entire Bauddha school. He
 further says that either the Buddha is a man who makes
 incoherent assertions or has hatred for all beings.  This,
 despite the fact that Shankara himself acknowledges the
 closeness of his school with that of the Buddhists in his
 Mandukya karika bhashya! 
     On Wednesday, May 24, 2017 4:13 PM,
 Vidyasankar Sundaresan <svidyasankar at gmail.com>
 criticism of these other schools centers around the fact
 that none of them are independent means to moksha. The same
 Sankara also accepts whatever is right and good in these
 other schools, subject to agreement with the aupanishada
 vishaya-vivecanena sanmArge prajnA sangrahaNIyA, and
 paramatam apratishiddham anumataM bhavati, he
 In contrast,
 bhakti towards a particular form of ISvara is a key step in
 the jnAnamArga of advaita vedAnta, provided people don't
 get caught up in the ridiculous my God is better than your
 God attitude. Unfortunately, this is a trap that many
 vaishNavas and Saivas find very difficult to
 Once again, rather than get caught
 up in superficialities, please pay attention to the details.
 There is a huge amount of material in our own list archives
 as a starting point. That is, if one can put resentment
 aside and read with an open mind.
 May 24, 2017 4:49 AM, "Kalyan via Advaita-l"
 <advaita-l at lists.advaita-
 vedanta.org> wrote:
 //Here lies the greatness of we
 advaitins that we never criticise any path and take
 everyone in our own stride and move on....//
 Sri Venkata Sriram, Shankara has criticized mimamsa, nyaya,
 samkhya, yoga, vaiseshika, bauddha, jaina, pashupata,
 pancaratra, carvaka philosophers in his commentaries. To say
 that advaitins do not criticize anybody is far removed from
     On Wednesday, May 24, 2017 1:28 PM, Venkata sriram P
 via Advaita-l <advaita-l at lists.advaita-
 vedanta.org> wrote:
 Appayya Dikshitha probably has not studied the entire
 In Shanti parvan, when Vishnu shows his Vishwaroopa to
 Those who are making furore over the मन्दत्व
 of अप्पय दीक्षितः, why don't
 they raise
 objections to the remark of वेदान्त
 देशिकः when he makes a remark against
 vide shloka no. 7 of his हयग्रीव
 स्तोत्रं : 
 गिरिशस्य मूर्तिः देवी
 सरोजासन धर्मपत्नी ।
 स्फुरन्ति सर्वे तव
 शक्तिलेशैः ॥ ७॥
 "the pretty south-faced Ishwara (dakshinamurti), Devi
 Saraswati and Bhagavan Badarayana -
 all three draw their power of Knowledge from Lord
 Granted that these compositions show one's devotion to
 personal deity but is it not blasphemous
 to say that the Dakshinamurti who taught the essence of
 vedanta to great brahmanishtaas thru
 silence draws His knowledge thru Hayagriva.  The greatness
 of dakshinamurti is stated in Bhagavata Purana
 itself in 4th chapter.  Having seated in 'mahAyOga'
 rUpa 'vaTavrikSa', demonstrates the
 'chinmudra' and dispels
 the doubts to sages.
 Now, should we advaitins conclude that Vedanta Desika
 didn't study any shastras and was
 ignorant of the dakshinamurti-tattva?  Certainly not. 
 Here lies the greatness of we advaitins
 that we never criticise any path and take everyone in our
 own stride and move on....
 Advaitins are broad-minded and that is why it has become
 more popular and
 more acceptable today by great logicians and
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