[Advaita-l] Wonderful list of adjectives for samsAravRkSha

Praveen R. Bhat bhatpraveen at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 08:23:20 EST 2017


Following Subbuji's quotation of Bhashyakara's series of adjectives for
brahman, I recalled and looked up the following adjectives for samsAra
(samsAravRkSha) in the commentary upon Katha 2.3.1. The list is just

अविच्छिन्नजन्मजरामरणशोकाद्यनेकानर्थात्मकः प्रतिक्षणमन्यथास्वभावः
मायामरीच्युदकगन्धर्वनगरादिवद्दृष्टनष्टस्वरूपत्वादवसाने च वृक्षवदभावात्मकः
कदलीस्तम्भवन्निःसारः अनेकशतपाषण्डबुद्धिविकल्पास्पदः
तत्त्वविजिज्ञासुभिरनिर्धारितेदंतत्त्वः वेदान्तनिर्धारितपरब्रह्ममूलसारः
सर्वप्राणिलिङ्गभेदस्कन्धः तत्तत्तृष्णाजलासेकोद्भूतदर्पः
बुद्धीन्द्रियविषयप्रवालाङ्कुरः श्रुतिस्मृतिन्यायविद्योपदेशपलाशः
यज्ञदानतपआद्यनेकक्रियासुपुष्पः सुखदुःखवेदनानेकरसः प्राण्युपजीव्यानन्तफलः
वेदान्तविहितब्रह्मात्मदर्शनासङ्गशस्त्रकृतोच्छेदः एष संसारवृक्ष अश्वत्थः
अश्वत्थवत्कामकर्मवातेरितनित्यप्रचलितस्वभावः ।


   अविच्छिन्नजन्मजरामरणशोकाद्यनेकानर्थात्मकः that which has many problems/
   evils like continuous birth, death, misery, disease, etc

   प्रतिक्षणम् every moment अन्यथास्वभावः that which has a changing nature

   मायामरीच्युदकगन्धर्वनगरादिवत् like magic, mirage-water, city of clouds,

   दृष्टनष्टस्वरूपत्वात् because of having the nature of being seen and
   destroyed (the next moment)


   अवसाने in the end च and वृक्षवत् like a tree अभावात्मकः that of the
   nature of nothingness

   कदलीस्तम्भवत् निःसारः non-substantial being like a stem of banana

   अनेकशतपाषण्डबुद्धिविकल्पास्पदः an object of doubts/ speculations by
   intellect of many hundreds of heretics. (Just like a tree appears as a
   ghost in speculation).

   तत्त्वविजिज्ञासुभिः by the people desirous of knowing the truth

   अनिर्धारितेदंतत्त्वः  that whose true nature is not ascertained as
   “exactly this” (that is, it is mithyA).

   वेदान्तनिर्धारितपरब्रह्ममूलसारः that tree for which the highest brahman
   is ascertained by Vedanta as the root/essence

   अविद्याकामकर्माव्यक्तबीजप्रभवः that born from the seed in the form of
   erroneous knowledge, desires, actions and results

   अपरब्रह्मविज्ञानक्रियाशक्तिद्वयात्मकहिरण्यगर्भाङ्कुरः that for which
   Hiranyagarbha, which is lower brahman, in the form of two-fold power of
   knowledge and action is the sprout

   सर्वप्राणिलिङ्गभेदस्कन्धः that tree for which the variety of subtle
   bodies of all living beings is the trunk

   तत्तत्तृष्णाजलासेकोद्भूतदर्पः that tree whose arrogance=bigness [grows]
   because of sprinkling of water of various desires.

   बुद्धीन्द्रियविषयप्रवालाङ्कुरः that tree for which objects of organs of
   perception are offshoots

   श्रुतिस्मृतिन्यायविद्योपदेशपलाशः that tree for which the discipline of
   knowledge of Shruti, Smriti and logic are leaves

   यज्ञदानतपआद्यनेकक्रियासुपुष्पः  that tree for which many activities of
   ritual, charity, penance, pilgrimage, etc, are the beautiful flowers.

   सुखदुःखवेदनानेकरसः experiences of happiness and sorrow are the tastes of
   which fruit [of the tree]

   प्राण्युपजीव्यानन्तफलः  that tree for which various results are
   innumerable fruits.


   तत्तृष्णासलिलावसेकप्ररूढजटिलीकृतदृढबद्धमूलः that tree for which samskaras
   are well-developed secondary roots, strengthened by thickening, by
   sprinkling of water of various desires/cravings.

   सत्यनामादिसप्तलोकब्रह्मादिभूतपक्षिकृतनीडः on which tree the seven worlds
   are the nests made by the birds in the form of living beings such as Lord
   Brahma, etc.

   तहसिताक्रुष्टरुदितहाहामुञ्चमुञ्चेत्याद्यनेकशब्दकृततुमुलीभूतमहारवः where
   the huge noise has been intensified by many sounds “ha ha”, “leave me,
   leave me”, etc, made by dancing, singing, music, sport/jumping, clapping,
   laughing, screaming, crying, excitement and grief, created by comfort and
   discomfort of the living beings.

   वेदान्तविहितब्रह्मात्मदर्शनासङ्गशस्त्रकृतोच्छेदः cutting of which tree
   is done by the weapon of detachment born of vision of brahman being the
   self, as taught by Vedanta.

   एषः this संसारवृक्षः tree in the form of samsara

   अश्वत्थः the Ashvattha tree, that which is not permanent

   अश्वत्थवत् कामकर्मवातेरितनित्यप्रचलितस्वभावः that which has an
   ever-unsteady nature, moved/shaken by wind in the form of desires and
   action, like the Ashvattha tree.

--Praveen R. Bhat
/* येनेदं सर्वं विजानाति, तं केन विजानीयात्। Through what should one know
That owing to which all this is known! [Br.Up. 4.5.15] */

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