[Advaita-l] Advaita and Madhyamika Buddhism

H S Chandramouli hschandramouli at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 06:08:44 CDT 2016

>>> Namaste Sri Raghav Ji.
>>> Reg  << My question is to understand what is the reasonable position
>>> when, although there is acceptance of nirvisheSha brahman as
>>> paramArthasatyam, there is divergence on other issues like
>>> 1. Ishvara is viShNu w.r.t. vyavahAra.
>>> 2. In another system, like mAdhyamika, Buddha is  omniscient. His words
>>> have prAmANyam. >>,
>>> As per my understanding, advaita has no particular preferences reg any
>>> name and form being considered as supreme in the vyAvahArika state. It is
>>> left to the individual concerned. But it does consider the phala resulting
>>> from such preferences and practices relating to it as dependent on the
>>> choice in accordance with sruti/smriti. But as for pramAna, sruti is the
>>> only ultimate pramAna followed by smriti.
>>> Reg  << avidyA being abhAva rupa alone represents the true teaching of
>>> Sri Shankara BhagavatpAda. Accordingly those who regard avidyA as bhAvarUpA
>>> will not be able to attain nivRtti from avidyA. >>,
>>> more widely accepted view is the other way round. avidyA being bhAva
>>> rupa alone represents the true teaching of Sri Shankara BhagavatpAda. The
>>> second part of your statement is not considered by any advaitin at all.
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 Reg  <<  Can we take some common minimum principles to be necessary or
sufficient to
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be counted as a sadhvI prakriyA of the advaita tradition ? >>,

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there are ever so many prescribed in the sruti/smriti/purANa/itihasa etc. I
am not sure why
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such a doubt should arise.

>>> Regards

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