[Advaita-l] 12th Bhagyanagar Vedasabha - 10/09/16, Sat @ Sankara Matham, Nallakunta, Hyd

Siva Senani Nori sivasenani at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 5 22:13:46 CDT 2016

12thBhagyanagarVedaSabhaSankaraMatham, Nallakunta, Hyderabad10thSept. 2016, Saturday. 7:30 am to 7:30 pm
TheNori Narasimha Sastry Charitable Trust is pleased to announce thatthe 12th Bhagyanagar VedaSabha would be conducted at Sankara Matham, Nallakunta,Hyderabad on 10th September 2016, Saturday,from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm. All those who believe in Vedapramanya arewelcome.
Theparīkṣamethodis followed wherein in each round, the President and Vice-Presidentof the sabhastartreciting a panasa(roughlyfifty words) from a random point in each kāṇḍa;thenext pair of scholars continues from where the President andVice-President stop; thereafter the third pair continues from wherethe second pair stops; and so on till all the scholars presentcomplete chanting one panasaeachin pairs. There would be seven rounds to cover the seven kāṇḍasof the samhitā part of the Krishna Yajurveda and three rounds tocover the Brāhmaṇa,and one each to cover the ĀraṇyakaandUpaniṣatportions.Apart from Krishnayajurveda, scholars of Rigveda, Samaveda andAtharvaveda are also participating this year, who wouldrecite at the beginning or end of each round from the relevantportions of the particular branch.
Ghanapāṭhiswould recite the ghanapāṭhaofthe panasasin the samhita; Kramapāṭhiswouldrecite the kramapāṭha.Only the mūlamisrecited in the five rounds of Brāhmaṇa,Āraṇyaka and Upaniṣat
Atthe beginning, there would be puja (10 minutes or less) to theVedamātā,and at the end Āśīrvacana(30minutes), followed by felicitation of Vedicscholars(30 minutes) and distribution of prasādam.Lunch break is between 12:30pm and 2:30pm.
RegardsN.Siva SenaniOnBehalf of the Nori Narasimha Sastry Charitable Trust

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