[Advaita-l] neo-Vedanta and Christianity
V Subrahmanian
v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 03:37:02 CST 2016
On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 1:42 PM, Kripa Shankar via Advaita-l <
advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org> wrote:
> Namaste Vineet
> My only alleged allegation was calling Gandhi a womaniser and father of
> Pakistan, which is a simple fact.
Dear Sri Kripa Shankar ji,
You may have your own views about Gandhi but to air them here in this forum
is not in good taste. The same holds with your views about Ramana Maharshi
and other gurus who are respected by Advaitins. You may carry on any
amount of tirade against these persons in your personal blog but please
spare this forum from such expressions.
> I have clearly mentioned that all these verses (and their supposed
> similarity with Advaita) were quoted by the media-acclaimed sages like
> Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj. I agree with you that these
> verses are taken out of context. But this criticism should be appropriated
> rightly to the above mentioned 'sages'. If you are not convinced, you
> should read the popular book written by Ramana's very own disciple, an
> international yogi, paramahamsa yogananda.
> All said and done, I have realised that I should not be critical towards
> these gurus because we deserve them. Like they (don't know who) say - we
> only get what we deserve.
> Regards
> Kripa
> Vyasaya Vishnu roopaya Vyasa roopaya Vishnave
> Namo vai Brahma nidhaye Vasishtaya namo namaha
> Original Message
> From: Vineet Menon
> Sent: Thursday 10 November 2016 10:33 AM
> To: Kripa Shankar
> Subject: Re: [Advaita-l] neo-Vedanta and Christianity
> Dear Kripa ji,
> With due respect your reply sounds more like a political statement with
> all sorts of allegation of impropriety. I agree that Radhakrishnan gave
> more weight-age to *anubhava* while Sankara didn't considered *anubhava* at
> all in his three *pramanas* (Arvind Sharma argues the contrary in this
> paper, https://www.jstor.org/stable/1399276?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents,
> http://www.unipune.ac.in/snc/cssh/ipq/english/IPQ/21-25%
> 20volumes/24%2001/PDF/24-1-1.pdf).
> Also, you quoted certain verses from Bible without their contexts. I
> cannot imagine for the life of me how you can say that Christianity (where
> divinity and man are separated by a great chasm) and Advaita (where jivatma
> and paramatma are one and the same).
> Regards,
> Vineet Menon
> On 1 November 2016 at 17:54, Kripa Shankar <kripa.shankar.0294 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Namaste
> This topic is quite confusing because Rajiv Malhotra is partly right but
> he seems to be defending all the wrong people.
> Apparently Paul Hacker was the first to coin the term Neo Hinduism. This
> is because he observed that 'contemporary Hinduism' deviated from the
> traditional one. He is absolutely right about this although I am not aware
> of his intentions. But this part is a fact. For eg, who in their right mind
> would consider the womaniser Gandhi, the father of Pakistan, to be a
> 'Mahatma'? He gives more examples like Aurobindo, Radhakrishnan (who ranks
> experience more than Shruti) .
> I am not sure why Rajiv is out to defend these types. But he is right in
> his assessment that concepts like Karma and reincarnation are indigestible
> for certain gurus/organisations who in time will do a 'U turn'.
> let me offer some thing for your consideration:
> What is the key word nay, philosophy of Nisargadatta Maharaj?- * I am that
> *
> What about Ramana Maharshi? - * Summa iru (Tamil for Be Still) *
> Exodus 3.14 (Bible) - And god said unto Moses, I am that I am.
> Maharshi's gospel - I am that I am sums up the whole truth.
> Psalm 46:10 (Bible) - Be still and know that I am god.
> Be still, I am, I am that are all attributed to Bible, not by me but by
> Maharshi and Maharaj themselves :)
> Regards
> Kripa
> Vyasaya Vishnu roopaya Vyasa roopaya Vishnave
> Namo vai Brahma nidhaye Vasishtaya namo namaha
> Original Message
> From: Vineet Menon via Advaita-l
> Sent: Tuesday 1 November 2016 12:14 PM
> To: advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org
> Reply To: Vineet Menon
> Subject: [Advaita-l] neo-Vedanta and Christianity
> Dear folks,
> There are some naysayers in Western Academia who opine that Neo-Vedanta was
> Vedanta incorporated with Western (read Christian) ideas (for example
> Halbfass). I for one know that certain Indian authors like Rajiv Malhotra
> tries to disprove this thesis in some of his books like Indra's Net etc.
> Does the good folks in this list know of any scholars/authors (Indians or
> otherwise) who take a similar opinion?
> Regards,
> Vineet Menon
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