[Advaita-l] sarvAtma bhAva as explained by Bhagavatpada

श्रीमल्ललितालालितः lalitaalaalitah at lalitaalaalitah.com
Thu Jul 7 09:44:36 CDT 2016

I'll like to ignore your post, because it doesn't appear that you have
correct understanding of many terms. That's what creating problems for you.
If I engage myself in this, I'll have to take invest long time. For that
I'm not ready.

Any generous person can help you if he has spare time.
On 7 Jul 2016 3:15 pm, "H S Chandramouli" <hschandramouli at gmail.com> wrote:

> श्रीमल्ललितालालितः  Ji,
>>> Pranams.  I am very grateful for the elaborate explanation*. *
>>> Reg need for shravana after GYAna, I understand by the term GYAni one
>>> who, on hearing the mahAvAkya upadEsha from the Guru, has attained the
>>> following state.
>>> भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशयाः ।
>>> क्षीयन्ते चास्य कर्माणि तस्मिन्दृष्टे परावरे ॥ ९ ॥  Mundaka Up 2-2-9.
>>> From this stage on, even if he has to practice any sAdhanAs for
>>> achieving jIvanmukti, my understanding is that he undertakes them on his
>>> own without a Guru. Since shravana means study of shrutis through a Guru,
>>> the practice of studying the shrutis the GYAni undertakes comes under
>>> nididhyAsana only and not shravana. I am open to correction on this.
>>> Reg your observation << ​So, if the person was meditating on brahma
>>> before GYAna, he will start to meditate on something else after GYAna!?
>>> Do you have any clear idea of what you have understood??
>>> ​If yes, please tell that. Such ambiguous claims are not useful. >>,
>>> nididhyAsana (meditation on brahma as you term it) is through vichAra,
>>> both before and after GYAna. While the vichAra is centred on Brahman both
>>> before and after GYAna, the nature of this vichAra undergoes a complete
>>> change as his “understanding”  of Brahman undergoes a complete change
>>> consequent to GYAna. This is what I meant.
>>> Reg your observation  << What is the role of prakriyA in nididhyAsana?
>>> Is he going to remember the whole prakriyA while meditating?
>>> That's not acceptable. He has to meditate on brahman, not on prakriyA.
>>> prakriyA-s are mithyA.>>,
>>> By prakriya, I am referring to the understanding of srushti and samsAra
>>> vis-à-vis Brahman. VichAra centres on this. Why should he remember the
>>> whole prakriya. He carries on with the vichAra based on this understanding.
>>> Reg your observation  << Any mumuxu is adhikArI of brahma-GYAna.>>
>>> Absolutely. But how does anyone become a mumuxu? He has to become a
>>> sAdhanaCHatuSHtayasampannah. This is possible only by allowing for
>>> vyAvahArika sathya which implies following sṛṣṭidṛṣṭiprakriyā. There is no
>>> choice. But then why subsequently change to dṛṣṭisṛṣṭiprakriyā for becoming
>>> a GYAni ?? It is not logical.
>>> I have not said that a GYAni should necessarily changeover to
>>> dṛṣṭisṛṣṭiprakriyā to become a jIvanmukta. He can certainly continue with
>>> the system he was following earlier. But since his understanding has
>>> changed significantly on gaining GYAna, there is nothing illogical if he
>>> were to find dṛṣṭisṛṣṭiprakriyā to be more appropriate and follow the same
>>> subsequently. That is all what I said.
>>> Pranams and Regards

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