[Advaita-l] The Andhra Maha Bharatamu - A short study

Venkata sriram P venkatasriramp at yahoo.in
Wed Jan 14 12:44:21 CST 2015

Namaste Anand Ji,
The sorry state of affairs is that even the great scholars are not free from this mania.
One of the sloka of rAmAyaNa is given below:

Etat kukSau samudrasya skandhAvAranivEshanaMatra pUrvaM mahAdEvaH prasAdamakarOd vibhuH (6.123.19)
bhagavAn rAmachandra alongwith mother sIta, on the way to Ayodhya, shows all the places associated with the episode of rAmAyaNa and points towards an ocean and states that this is that ocean on which was built "rAmasEtu", which was crossed by us; here was the blessings of mahAdEva sought . 
The scholars twisted the word "mahAdEva" with their biased approach in such a way that the meaning suggests sAgara-dEvata / sAgara-adhiSTAna-dEvata etc.  Even gOvindarAja etc. are not free from thisbiased approach. 
shrI vAsudEvAnanda saraswathi very aptly says in vAsudEvamananaM as:

mUDAH Ishwarasya sarvAtmakatvaM avichArya tatra tatra IshwarAH bahavO bhinna bhinnatayAvartantE iti matvA anyOnyaM kalahantE / tasmAt antaryAmI IshwaraH Eva EvEti jAnIhi //
Fools, not knowing that the all-pervading Ishwara is only one, quarrel among themselves by stating that Ishwara is shiva (by shaivaites) whereas Ishwara is viSNu (by vaishnavaites). Therefore, know that Ishwara is only one who is the "antaryAmi".
Very sorry state of affairs !!


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