[Advaita-l] On Acharyas and Modern Technology

Venkata sriram P venkatasriramp at yahoo.in
Sun Jan 11 10:17:36 CST 2015

Namaste Ravi,

The project called "advaita-shArada" was well appreciated by sringeri achArya.  It was achAryA's 
blessings that took the shape of this project.  

However, as AchArya shankara says "AdhyAtmavidyA vidyAnAM mOkshArthatvAt 
pradhAnaM asmi", the guru parampara that follows the footsteps of bhagavatpAda,
take every care to follow the same without diluting the sadAchAra and anuSTAna.  

Apart from vEdAnta abhyAsa, there are certain set of "AmnAya mantrAs" that needs to be
initiated to the successor.  There is a sringeri pITa adhiSTAna upAsana and the chief
mantrAs being nrisimha, nIlakANTa, bAla, dakshiNAmUrti, hayagrIya, dattatrEya, vana-durga, gaNapati, subramaNya, sUrya, rAma, hanuma, AnjanEyasrIvidyA panchadashi & shODashi etc. 

The muttAdhipati should attain mantra-siddhi in the above in order to perform pITa pUja to sphaTika sriyantra, chandramoulishwara, nrisimha sAlagrAma and ratnagarbha gaNapati.  

Therefore, the upAsana needs to be carried with utmost care, dedication and shaucha niyamAs has to be followed very meticulously. 


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