[Advaita-l] Swami Kashikananda Giri

Vidyasankar Sundaresan via Advaita-l advaita-l at lists.advaita-vedanta.org
Tue Oct 28 10:33:26 CDT 2014

This news is about four days old. On the same day as the dIpAvalI festival, Swami Kashikananda Giri,
one of the key Mahamandaleshwaras in the Dasanami Sannyasi tradition, left his sthUla SarIra aside.
He was highly regarded and respected by all the Sankaracharyas for his scholarship, knowledge and
wisdom, as well as uncompromising traditional outlook with his disciples. He headed an Ashrama in
the middle of bustling Mumbai, but was hardly well-known to regular city dwellers, although people
came from far and wide to learn under him. His life was quintessentially padmapatram ivAmbhasA!
Best regards,

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