[Advaita-l] (no subject)

Sunil Bhattacharjya sunil_bhattacharjya at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 29 15:28:04 CDT 2013

Dear friend,

One does not go to guru empty handed and samidh may well represent a token of respect and love to the guru. The samidh will also symbolically indicate the desire to burn the dvesha and  karmaphala and show to the guru that the disciple is ready for receiving instruction from the guru. When samidh (literally  wooden stick) is taken to the guru it does not necessarily mean that the guru himself would use it for yajna. If the guru happens to be a sanyashi he would not perform any fire ritual himself, nonetheless,  he should possibly be able to teach the disciple (from a distance) the use of samidh for the yajna. I have seen sanyashi sitting not far from the yajna, though he (the Sanyashi himself) does not actively participate in the yajna.

As regards the memory of  jeevanmukta, he does not lose memory but he is not affected by that memory either. The Jeevanmukta can  remember even the past births,  which others would not  be able to. 

Sunil KB

On Monday, October 28, 2013 11:08 PM, Swaroop Sharma <swaroopsharman at gmail.com> wrote:
I was told in my Gurukulam, by my Acharya that Samit represents two subtle
1. Once we offer it to the Yajna as Havis, it can't be retrieved, so the
innate feeling of "total surrender" is portrayed.
2. Even a Paramahamsa, or a Jeevanmukta precisely,  cannot completely
destroy his memories, but they'd have become like ash, for Ex., a rope
burnt to the core looks like it is existing, but taken in hand, it'd be
nonexistent. So would promise a Shishya with a Samit in hand,
symbolically,  that he'd turn all his conditionings of the past and
occurring of the future into existent yet nonexistent ash. Samit conveys a
symbolic meaning, "procuring knowledge, yet be unbound by the same"

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