[Advaita-l] 'Bhakti' in SrIvidyopAsanA
V Subrahmanian
v.subrahmanian at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 15:35:33 CST 2012
The 'saubhAgyabhAskaraH' of Sri BhaskararAya is a commentary on the
LalitAsahasranAma which forms the central text for the srIvidyOpaasana.
Therein occur these names of the Mother:
bhaktipriyA, bhaktigamyA, bhaktivashyA
While commenting on these BhaskararAya says, among several citations:
For the name ‘bhaktasaubhAgyadAyinI’ [She is the giver of all
auspiciousness to Her devotees]:
m¼lkayaeRpyu´TvaCÀIkrTvaTsaEÉaGymev, suóu ÉaGy<
inyityRSy tSy Éavae va saEÉaGym!, É´eyStain ddatIit twa.
m¼lkayaeRpyu´TvaCÀIkrTvaTsaEÉaGymev, suóu ÉaGy<
inyityRSy tSy Éavae va saEÉaGym!, É´eyStain ddatIit twa.
Thereafter for the names: bhaktipriyA, bhaktigamyA, bhaktivashyA, the
commentary says:
ÉKitiiàya Éi´gMya Éi´vZya Éyapha,
Éi´iÖRivxa- muOya gaE[I ceit,
tÇeñriv;ykae=nuragaOyiíÄv&iÄivze;ae muOyÉi´>,
‘Bhakti’ is the kind of chitta vRttiH that has ‘anurAga’, intense love for
Ishwara. This is the primary bhakti.
twa c
Éi´mIma<sasUÇm!- sa pranuri´rIñre #it,
Here, the word ‘anurakti’ is used in the BhaktimImAmsA sutra to denote the
intense love for Ishwara.
Awatae Éi´ij}aseitsUÇaepaÄa Éi´StTpdawR>, tSya> preit ivze;[m!,
pra< mOuya< Éi´ivze;muiÎZyanuri´lR][Tven ivxIyt #it tdwR>, At- at v preit
gaE[I— VyavtRytIit Éa:ym!, gaE{ya tu smaixisiÏirit sUÇe gaE[I Éi´> sevaêpa
kiwta, twa c
Éj #Tye; vE xatu> sevaya< pirkIitRt>,
tSmaTseva buxE> àae´a Éi´saxnÉUysI.
#it, tÑeda> Smr[kItRnadyae bhv>, ten
Éi´ròivxa ýe;a yiSmNMleCDe=ip vtRte,
s ivàeNÔae yit> ïIman! s muin> s c pi{ft>.
#TyaidTy-géfpura[yaevRcnm!, Éi´nRvivxa rajN #Tyaid
Éagvt< vcnm!, Éi´dRzivxa }eya papar{ydvaepmeit
b&hÚardIyvcnmNy½Eta†zmvyuTyanuvad @v,
$†zae Éi´pdawR> iàyae ySya> sa, twa c izvpura[e
k«tk«TySy t&ÝSy mm ik< i³yte nrE>,
bihvaR=_yNtre va=ip mya Éavae ih g&ýte.
#it, AÇ ÉavzBden baýa sevaêpa ceòa=_yNtrae=iÉàayí
g&ýte, É®ya s<raxnne gMya àTy]a, twa c ïuit>
prai oain Vyt&[TSvyMÉUStSmaTpra'oe pZyiNt naNtraTmn!,
kiíÏIr> àTygaTmanmE]dav&Äc]urm&tTvimCDn!.
#it, Sm&itrip- yaeignSt< àpZyiNt ÉgvNt< snatnimit,
$ñrài[xanaÖeit yaegsUÇe=Pyevm!,
Here, the Yogasutra ‘IshwarapraNidhAnAdvA’ is cited. This word means
ài[xanapdSy Éi´prtya rajmatR{fe VyaOyanat!, [Éi´] äüsUÇmip-
Aips<raxne àTy]anumana_yaimit, AVy´mip äü É®ya
àTy]< ÉvtIit ïuitSm&it_ya< twa=vgmaidit tdwR>,
Here, the Brahmasutra ‘api samrAdhane..’3.2.24 is cited where it is said
that ‘even though Brahman is formless (unmanifest), yet It can become
‘pratyakSha’, manifest, owing to bhakti practices. This is known from the
shruti and smriti.
ɮya TvnNyya zKy Ahmev<ivxae=juRn,
}atu< Ôòu< c tÅven àveòu< c pr<tp.
#it ÉgvÖcnmip, AÇ àveòuimTynen äüÉavaOyae mae]
%Cyte, sae=ip ɮyEv l_yt #TywR>,
Here, the BG verse 11.54 is cited and the meaning given: Through bhakti of
this type one attains Moksha of the form of Brahman realization.
ten àk«te gMypd< àaPyprTvenaip VyaOyeym!, äüs<Swae=m&tTvmetIit ïutaE
inóapyaRyÉi´vaicna s<Swapden twa àitpadnat!,
Here, the Ch.Up. ‘brahmasamstho amRtatvameti..’ is cited and the word
‘samsthA’ is given the meaning: niShThA, bhakti. ‘One who is established in
Bhakti attains Brahman/Immortality.’
At @v
Éi´mIma<sayam!- tTs<SwSyam&tTvaepdezaidit sUÇm!,
Bhakti mimamsaa too admits that through establishment in bhakti one attains
äümIma<sayam!- tiÚóSy mae]aepdezaidit sUÇÂ,
Here the Brahmasutra 1.1.7: tanniShThasya MokshopadeshAt is cited which has
the same meaning as given above.
inTyatÙe=ip Éi´l][kwnpUvRk< tSyaiolpué;awRàdTvmu´M
%´l][sMpÚe guraE tTàae´yaeStwa,
iv*anuóanyae> SwEyRixy> s<zynaznI.
tarkTvaàmÄTve Éi´é´aiolawRda,
yya ivhIna inytimhamÇu c Ê>iota.
#it, Awva Éi´lR][a tya gMya baeXya, ivizòzi´kana<
sTy}anaidpdana< inxRmRkäüvackTvayaegat!, At- at v
iÇzTya< vúyte lúyawaR l][agMyeit, sveR;a<
vEkmÙ(mEitzaynSy Éi´pavnTvaTsvmanaixkarae hIit
jEiminsUÇe Éi´pdSy l][aya< àyaeg>, AaSmakIne
n me zi´> ïImNmihmprma[aerip nutaE
twaip TvÑi´< Vytnvmvò_y ikmip,
n mÂa> ³aeziNt àvcnmwaip àvv&te
ywa laeke É®ya prizv n z®ya Svgtya.
#it É´eé´l][aya vZya praxIna, É®ya vZyeit va,
SvtÙaip izvÉi´partÙ(Tvmîu; #it vcnaत्,
Some of the fonts to denote 'bhakti' are not properly reproduced. Barring
this there should not be much difficulty in reading the cited portions from
this famous commentary. What it shows is that the srIvidyOpAsanA, a very
important upAsanA said to be part of the 'mantrashAstra', is not bereft of
the concept of Bhakti in both the senses: 1. Intense love for the Deity,
the Mother. This is called mukhyA bhaktiH or primary bhakti. and 2. the
various attendant services, not merely faith in the Guru, shAstram, the
procedures involved in the upAsana, etc. but several other practices such
as contemplation ('upAsanA' in its technical sense of a 'process'), stuti -
recitation of hymns and this sahasranAma stotram itself, etc called 'gauNI
bhakti'. What is even more significant is that this upAsanA/bhakti combine
is, according to the author, founded in the Shruti/smRti and he cites in
support of his comments from the Upanishads, the Brahmasutra and the
Bhagavadgita apart from other texts pertaining to the bhakti school too.
The author does not differentiate between 'bhakti' and 'brahma vichAra'
too. He seems to advocate the thought that bhakti, intense love for
Ishwara, Brahman, is the means to Immortality/liberation.
//Bhaskararaya's *Lalita Sahasranama*, Tripuropanishad, Bhavanopanishad *...
* It is the storehouse of *mantra Shastra* and tantra > > shastra. > > *
*I have the 'saubhagyabhaskara' in pdf and can send it to anyone by email.
It could be available on the net too for download.
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