[Advaita-l] Idol worship question
Bhaskar YR
bhaskar.yr at in.abb.com
Tue Dec 25 22:18:04 CST 2012
Hare Krishna
Vaishnavas say Brahma is in Devata Vigrahas.
> advaitins too, but we say not only in vigraha-s but since brahman is
sarvAntaryAmi he is everywhere (aNu, reNu, truNa, kAshta).
We have to offer Pooja to Idols thinking we are worshipping God.
> Yes, it is in this bhAva only we (the advaitins) too do devatArchana,
upAsana etc. But advaitins donot stop there!! they further have the
bhAva that what is there in that vigraha, is there in me as well!!
tyajedajnAna nirmAlyaM sOhambhAvena pUjayet.
But in Advaita Brahma is Nirguna. It has no shape and size.
> saguNa brahmOpAsana is not prohibited in advaita saMpradAya though
ultimately brahman is nirAkAra, nirguNa, nirvishesha.
How can we explain Murti Pooja?
> with the jeeva - Ishwara bedha in vyavahAra.
If you say Brahman is in Idol we can say Brahman is in everything not
only idols.
> Yes, that is what prahlAda has said to his father :-))
He is in every stone. Can we worship a stone lying in the street thinking
it is God?
> yO yO yAm yAM tanum bhaktaH shraddhayaarchitumitimicchati..pls. refer
geeta shloka..if you feel the presence of Ishvara sannidhAna in the street
side stone, that would be your archa-vigraha.
What is difference between that stone and Idols in a temple?
> its all depends on bhAva of that bhakta...How ever, Idols in the temple
would undergo vaidikAgama pratishtApana vidhi, (like mahAsnapana,
kalAkarshaNa, netrOnmilana, prANa pratishtApana etc.)
Some scholars are saying in Vedic worship there is no Idol.
> shankara at various places talks about vishNu ArAdhana is sAlagrAma.
There is only Yajna. We have to offer worship to any God through Agni
only. No
need for Idols. Is this correct?
> dAna, archana, upAsana, dhyAna, yajna-yAga, tapas etc. have their own
place & importance in vaidika saMpradAya. Hence you see
chandramouleeshwara pooja and chandi-rupra hOma/yAga both even in
traditional Amnaya mutts.
Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
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