[Advaita-l] Vikalpa, Savikalpa, and Nirvikalpa
Bhaskar YR
bhaskar.yr at in.abb.com
Fri Aug 24 05:58:32 CDT 2012
‘The state of spiritual balance is obtainable by both the Sankhyas
(those whofollow the path of enquiry) and the Yogis (those who practise
He really knows the meaning of the scriptures who knows that the paths of
enquiry and meditation are the same’.
praNAms Sri vinAyaka prabhuji
Hare Krishna
I dont know what to say to all these quotes, in short I'd like to say
dhyAna is purusha tantra it may not fetch us the same result as vastu
tantra jnAna. shankara in tattusamanvayAt sUtra bhAshya clarifies this
very clearly. jnAna or paramArtha jnAna is not 'karma janya' or adheena
to purusha tantra.
And the next question that needs to be adressed is : Is there multiple
path-s to mOksha?? according to panchadashi, yes, if not multiple,
atleast there are two ways, one is yOga (nirguNa brahma dhyAna) and
another is enquiry !! But as you know, shruti without any ambiguity
clearly declaring there in only one mArga to the mOksha and that is jnAna,
nAnyaH panthA ayanAya vidyate says taitireeya AraNyaka or purusha sUkta.
shankara somewhere in sUtra bhAshya ( most probably in 2nd adhyAya)
clarifies that the term yOga should be used in vedAntik context not in
orthodox sAnkhya & yOga schools. vedAntik dhyAna is something different
from chitta vrutti nirOdha ashtAnga yOga dhyAna. If the panchadashi
recommending here sAdhana yOga in the vedic sense or in adhyAtma yOga
sense as elaborated in katha upanishad and dhyAna yOga in geeta, it is
acceptable prabhuji.
Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!
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